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Report a Player - Rice Kispy - Glitcher

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Well-known member
Your In-game name

CI Reiss [6611]

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Rice Krispy

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Altis Life

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I had arrested a few people for having an illegal firearm, I took them to NPAS to remove their guns and Krispy thought it would be a good idea to unrestrain his buddy whilst in cuffs. I was completely unaware of him being unrestrained and the guy he unrestrained ran off when I let the one of the guys go. (video can be provided)

I usually dont really care about reports but 5 mins earlier he also unrestrained one of the guys I had in cuffs without saying shit.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Hello Sir, it is unfortunate you went straight for a report but if you had come and spoke to me first then you’d have realised I was bugged and never even realised I unrestrained Chris here.

So, after you tazed me while I was escorting Chris (Giving me absolutely no time to comply may I just add) it froze my camera and I was stuck with the hostage menu on my screen (the windows key shit). The only thing I could do was talk but everything else was bugged. After trying to get the hostage menu off my screen by spamming close etc. But having no success, I decided to start pressing the options in the hostage menu (Pat down, search, border pass check etc.) to see if any of these options would close the menu and fix me. It did not. Nothing worked in fact, even the border pass prompt that should have showed. I did this for all options, including unrestrain, but still the menu was there and I still could not close it or look around. I was just annoyed with how I was bugged and tried to fix it so I could look around again and enjoy this great RP experience.

Obviously from your video it does appear that I did unrestrain Chris but from my perspective I had no idea I did. As you can see from your video he looked exactly the same with no sort of animation etc. Then I went to go get a drink and once I came back you were escorting me out of NPAS. It was only after you had unrestrained me my game began to work properly again and the hostage menu disappeared.

I am sorry if this ruined your experience on the game. It was a genuine accident and I hope you haven’t taken it to heart. If you had tried speaking to me about it then maybe we could have started over so you could have enjoyed this experience more. My apologies once again and I hope you have a great day.

@Rice Krispy to you inform Chris that you were bug and it was a mistake that you unrestrained him ?
To be completely honest with you, neither of us knew that I had unrestrained him. From my above reply you can see I was never aware that I had unrestrained him due to no changes etc. It wasn’t until this report came up that we realised what had actually happened.

When I spoke to Chris about it, he told me that when he tabbed back into his game he noticed he was unrestrained and due to the fact Reiss was not currently in the building and outside talking to someone else, he presumed he was let go as he had already been completely stripped of all his gear. So therefore he decided to leave. If Reiss had spoken to us at all and let either of us know that I had unrestrained him then we would have definitely returned. But due to being unaware and not a word from Reiss, both of us decided to carry on as normal once Reiss unrestrained me as well.

To be completely honest with you, neither of us knew that I had unrestrained him. From my above reply you can see I was never aware that I had unrestrained him due to no changes etc. It wasn’t until this report came up that we realised what had actually happened.

When I spoke to Chris about it, he told me that when he tabbed back into his game he noticed he was unrestrained and due to the fact Reiss was not currently in the building and outside talking to someone else, he presumed he was let go as he had already been completely stripped of all his gear. So therefore he decided to leave. If Reiss had spoken to us at all and let either of us know that I had unrestrained him then we would have definitely returned. But due to being unaware and not a word from Reiss, both of us decided to carry on as normal once Reiss unrestrained me as well.
You are chatting madness again Krispy, You cannot claim it's a bug when you legit pressed the WINDOWS KEY and then clicked unrestrain, there isn't a bug to allow this to happen unless it's been done intentionally, stop lying will you and just admit you did it on purpose.

Video will be provided.

I have now seen the video and Chris will had jump over the wall to get out of there. 

And since reiss escoute people out while restrain it make no sense chris think he was unrestrained and must  say it was perfect timing as soon he leave to unrestrain someone outside the fence Chris run away.

Rice or Chris do you have any video of what happen ? 

I have no video of the video of the footage as due to Reiss not contacting us after the situation I had no idea that I would need to save the video.

Onto the point of me jumping the fence, I did that in order to get to a Qilin which was just parked on the other side of the fence I hoped over as when I alt tabbed back into the game I noticed I was unrestrained I asked Rice what happened however due to him being gone at that time he did not respond and I just assumed he let me go and still wanted to speak to Rice therefore I decided to go and pickup the Qilin for when Rice would get unrestrained I could pick him up. I also did not know Reiss was escorting people out at the point since I did not see him when I was unrestrained.

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You cannot claim it's a bug when you legit pressed the WINDOWS KEY and then clicked unrestrain, there isn't a bug to allow this to happen unless it's been done intentionally
When you tazed me I was stuck in a dumb camera angle with the windows menu on my screen. In my first reply I have already covered what happened here so I'd appreciate you not calling me a liar when you're only looking at this from your own perspective. I have no reason to lie here, if I had done this intentionally then I would just admit it.

I have now seen the video and Chris will had jump over the wall to get out of there. 

And since reiss escoute people out while restrain it make no sense chris think he was unrestrained and must  say it was perfect timing as soon he leave to unrestrain someone outside the fence Chris run away.

Rice or Chris do you have any video of what happen ? 
I do not have a video unfortunately as since Plays.tv shutdown I have yet to find a better alternative.

Adding on from what Chris said above, if Reiss was to show footage (with audio) from before I ran into NPAS to try and save Chris you would hear my quilin park up on the opposite side of the wall where the command building is. As Chris still had his GPS and comms, I informed him over the radio that a quilin is parked here before I tried to make the rescue. So if Reiss can provide a 2-3min prior unedited video to the "unrestraining" then I would appreciate that as not only would it prove my side of the story, it would also show the high standards of RP presented by Reiss before I was tazed and glitched through the building which then lead to me being in this bugged state and causing all of this.

All in all, it was just an unfortunate accident with bad timing. Chris had no idea due to being tabbed out and I couldn't even see anything because my camera was basically in the floor. I have already apologised and if we had known about it then we'd have returned. But I don't feel like either of us can be blamed here. Chris had absolutely no clue what was going on, he comes back to just being unrestrained and decides to leave and I couldn't do anything due to my bugged state. What were we supposed to do in this situation?

Because of no video been provided of this so call glitch and Chris ran away this report will be action on rice 

Also for me it make no sence that you windows key apear when you are teased and for you to get Chris free you will need to lockpick him out and not use your windows key.

Action taken rule 2.4

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Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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