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Report a player - Ronny Savage - GTA RP

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You planned to use a comment I made OOC, not directed at you in any way, to strengthen your statement. I'm not going to let you do that. I find it very disappointing that you planned to use irrelevant information to help your statement.

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening guys 🙂 Hope everyone is doing good today. 

There is quite a lot to digest here and go through in relation to this report. Lets start off with the original rule break at hand which has been reported NVL.

 @Mace Windu's Crusty Arm Stump You are pulled up on by it seems 2 vehicles with multiple occupants when some exit the vehicles bearing weapons at the group you are standing with while others remain inside the vehicle with gun(s) pointed at the group. You at first comply with their demands and when the person outside the vehicle with a gun starts to ziptie someone you see this as an opportunity to get inside your vehicle and make an escape despite the fact there are still multiple aggressors aiming weapons at yourself and the group you are with. It seems as if you are using game mechanics (the fact he can not stop zip tying someone) to your favour knowing that he could not actually stop the animation. IRL if you have a gun pointed at yourself or the group you are with you are going to fear for not only your own life but the life of your friends. We all know that IRL one bullet is enough to take someone out or at least damage them to a life threatening level. Your reasoning for this was you believed there was enough distance between yourself and the aggressors for you to make your getaway which in fact wasnt the case due to the fact there was actually a person in a vehicle pointing a gun at you while the others where getting you in zipties.

Moving on now to some other things I would like to bring up within this report.

@Cheddar Pulling up to someone and saying "let me see those hands boys" doesn't exactly constitute as high quality rp does it? You could have made that much more interesting than the usual hands up with a gun pointed at someone, eg. Alright lads I'm gonna need every single one of you to put your hands where I can see them right now or you'll get a bullet through your skull.. etc. Try and make it more immersive and interesting. IRL you're not going to see a gangster pulling up to someone and borderline laughing asking them to put their hands up. There is obviously some tension there between the groups so I would expect that to reflect in the rp and how they are spoken to.

In regards to the OOC hate concerns raised by @Jack Smith , @Cheddarmaking a spotify playlist with those titles isnt exactly a mature approach to dealing with things is it? I can clearly see there is some OOC dislike between the reporter and the reportee which quite frankly is a shame. Remember you are not your character and your character is not you. I'm not exactly sure of the reasoning as to why the dislike OOC has escalated to the point that it has however I suggest that you both sit down and remember this is an adult community and we are here to roleplay and have fun together. If you cannot come to some sort of resolution OOC of the issues you are having which seem to be effecting the roleplay provided then it may be best to stop roleplaying together in your groups and move forward in different directions. 

Now with all that being said ill move on to the Conclusion.

Ronnie Savage

Warning for: (G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

You have a pretty clean record as far as I can see which is why i have opted for a warning today , in future value your life and allow for extended roleplay.

Chester Buckets

Warning for: (G1.6) Being In Character - What happens in Roleplay needs to stay within Roleplay. Do not bring in character issues outside of the game, likewise do not bring your real life issues with other players into the game. You ARE NOT your character and they ARE NOT you.

Due to the lack of roleplay you've provided in this situation you'll also be warned for the following rule

Warning for: (C1.7) Common Sense - As a Roleplay game, every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. 

No matter what situation you find yourself in you should be aiming to provide high quality roleplay, especially when attempting to take someone against their will.

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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