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Report a Player - Semaj2000 - RDM

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The Butler
The Great Britain

Your In-game name

CI Voltz

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Armed men at the church in Kavala, they get into a sport and drive off. They return and officers say "get out of the car and put your hands up" and "Stop driving or we will shoot". They then drive away from the situation and I see a civilian car, to chase it I repair at car and get into it and go after it. It looks like I chase and I did. They then pull up and just shoot me with no initiation

I have not tried to resolve due to multiple times resolving and nothing coming out of it, therefore I see this as the best course of action

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I have been messaging you multiple times over what looked like you breaking NLR and you never tried to resolve this with me when i was asking you about the situation. We shot you as we had officers shoot at one of our gang members and as such with you following us we decided to fire upon you as you were chasing us. Chadwick was shot at by a officer opposite church and you were chasing us so we decided to stop the car and shoot you before you could do the same to us. Your officers started a gun fight and all i did was kill you in a active fight. We were also warned if we drove off we would be shot so we were initiated on as well.

I have been messaging you multiple times over what looked like you breaking NLR and you never tried to resolve this with me when i was asking you about the situation. We shot you as we had officers shoot at one of our gang members and as such with you following us we decided to fire upon you as you were chasing us. Chadwick was shot at by a officer opposite church and you were chasing us so we decided to stop the car and shoot you before you could do the same to us. Your officers started a gun fight and all i did was kill you in a active fight. We were also warned if we drove off we would be shot so we were initiated on as well.
First of all:

(5.2) A new life does not start when:

Your character has been the victim of a clearcut case of RDM

To which this is, infact this is not the first time this has been done this to me, or other officers infact. This has happened multiple times in the last few days and its becoming a joke. You messaged me about this but you had no idea that you RDMed me. Two things to do with you shooting me,

1) How did you know it was a police officer in the car? It was pitch black and an unmarked car which i had commandeered.

2) It was not clear, just because cops initiate with members of your gang 300 meters up the road in a city with no visible sight to you, why does that give you the right to just get out and shoot me with no RP,  you didn't even say a single word.

I was no where near, neither was you and how was to know you were fully involved, you didn't announce yourself at all, you just drove away and around. You were told "Stop the car or the tires will be shot", it's a little different to we will shoot YOU. We initiated but no shots were fired at you, you then drove off and only I followed, by all knowledge you left the situation and therefore the initiation had been left behind. I then pull up, in an unmarked car, which you didnt see me get in in pitch black and no way of seeing if it was actually me, and shot me with 0 RP.

This is actually similar to another report which has been posted

I appreciate now why you didn't respond to the NLR stuff as you thought it was RDM but you could have spoken to me and we could have resolved this i think.

As for me knowing you were a cop i could clearly see you uniform through the windscreen of your car with my NVG's on.

As to me stepping out and shooting straight away, you were following us directly from the sight were one of our members was shot and we were seen together. This meant that we knew you were involved in the same situation as the one where our gang was getting shot at and as such we thought it was a matter of time until you decamped us and shot at us, ether with rubbers or not so i deemed you a valid threat so i shot.

I think if you had attempted to resolve this with me this report could have been avoided as i could easily explain this all to you. I have had a member of support look at both sides and he doesn't think its rdm and i think that this just furthers the fact that if you had messaged me back and told me your side of the story i could have shown you why i shot and my justifications over ts instead of having to do this over the forums and we could have had this resolved without all this hassle.

I appreciate now why you didn't respond to the NLR stuff as you thought it was RDM but you could have spoken to me and we could have resolved this i think.

As for me knowing you were a cop i could clearly see you uniform through the windscreen of your car with my NVG's on.

As to me stepping out and shooting straight away, you were following us directly from the sight were one of our members was shot and we were seen together. This meant that we knew you were involved in the same situation as the one where our gang was getting shot at and as such we thought it was a matter of time until you decamped us and shot at us, ether with rubbers or not so i deemed you a valid threat so i shot.

I think if you had attempted to resolve this with me this report could have been avoided as i could easily explain this all to you. I have had a member of support look at both sides and he doesn't think its rdm and i think that this just furthers the fact that if you had messaged me back and told me your side of the story i could have shown you why i shot and my justifications over ts instead of having to do this over the forums and we could have had this resolved without all this hassle.
In my eyes I don't see how any of you could see me being in the driving seat, you seemed to look at the map alot though

I don't decamp and shoot people as there is no RP in that what so ever, you left the area and therefore the initation didn't count, you werent part of the situation the moment you left, just because your friend was rubbered what does getting out and killing me do? Im away, alone and following you, two armed people in the car, what could I do?

This could have been resolved, but in all honesty what would that do? Yes this report wouldn't have gone up but you wouldn't have taken anything on board and just wait to "resolve" with other offciers later. You would then go back and do the same thing again as has been shown before. I know the person that you spoke with, but this is just shit, this is not RP. 

I could clearly see you were a cop so i don't understand where you are going with this line of accusation.

As for leaving the area after the initiation, you followed us out the area so in out eyes it was very possible you were going to decamp and shoot our tires or at us. We were in the area of the shots and we were told there were a lot of armed officers in the area so for all we knew you were relaying our position for a ambush or even getting ready to shoot at us yourself- i know u said you wouldn't do that but all i can see is a cop and i don't know which one u are and i have had that happen to me where i am followed from an initiation site and then decamped and shot at by officers so in my experience it was a very real possibility. We couldn't guarantee you were alone or for how long so i acted with the information i had and killed you before you could do the same to me or call more people to my location to do the same.

As for me not taking anything on board if we had talked i really think that is a unjust comment. I have not had any dealings with you before and as far as i am aware you haven't with me so you cant make a comment like that on my character. When i have previously talked to people about situations if they feel i was at fault and they explain how or why then i always take it on board and try to improve on it.

I could clearly see you were a cop so i don't understand where you are going with this line of accusation.

As for leaving the area after the initiation, you followed us out the area so in out eyes it was very possible you were going to decamp and shoot our tires or at us. We were in the area of the shots and we were told there were a lot of armed officers in the area so for all we knew you were relaying our position for a ambush or even getting ready to shoot at us yourself- i know u said you wouldn't do that but all i can see is a cop and i don't know which one u are and i have had that happen to me where i am followed from an initiation site and then decamped and shot at by officers so in my experience it was a very real possibility. We couldn't guarantee you were alone or for how long so i acted with the information i had and killed you before you could do the same to me or call more people to my location to do the same.

As for me not taking anything on board if we had talked i really think that is a unjust comment. I have not had any dealings with you before and as far as i am aware you haven't with me so you cant make a comment like that on my character. When i have previously talked to people about situations if they feel i was at fault and they explain how or why then i always take it on board and try to improve on it.
I don't see how you could see me, but that might just be my bad eye sight

I didn't shoot you though, also you know that I wouldn't shoot you so why did you have to shoot me? I had no way of killing you without proper initiation, which you left. Why would I kill you? 

I have not had dealings with you no, but I have with others and its getting repetitive and I would rather not go through that again.

I had no idea you weren't going to shoot me- in my eyes it was shoot first or risk dying or getting arrested and that attitude has just come from multiple dealings where i haven't shot first and have died or been arrested due to that. 

This is just going back and forth. Im going to lock this for any of the staff to review. ?

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