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Report a Player - simon - RDM (Action Taken)

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Well-known member
slums of derbs.
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I had a crash in my vehicle so I needed a toolkit (already used the one from my car), I went to the side of the road and tried to flag some other drivers passing by for help. One car decided to stop. When he jumpped out the car I saw that he had a firearm so I grabbed my weapon from my car for protection in case something went south. I did not point my weapon at him, it was lowered and I also waved at him so he didn't get spooked. As I was negotiating for a toolkit (he wanted something in return) I was shot.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Firstly the video you posted in the report is unavailable.
Secondly you said you tried to resolve the situation. How did that go? 

Firstly the video you posted in the report is unavailable.
Secondly you said you tried to resolve the situation. How did that go? 
Should be working now, sorry about that.

I tried to get him in the ts to resolve the whole situation but he wasn't having none of it. I asked several times and he responded "NO"

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Should be working now, sorry about that.

I tried to get him in the ts to resolve the whole situation but he was having none of it. I asked several times and he responded "NO"
Ok, il give him 24 hours to respond to this report. If no reply by then il action it.

Action Taken, player banned for RDM:

76561198358287137 [SIZE=11.9px](Steam ID, [/SIZE]2 hours ago)
1b0fba31becdafc9825d6fc359c0e929 [SIZE=11.9px](BattlEye GUID, [/SIZE]2 hours ago)
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