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Report a Player - Slave - Other

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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Time of the incidents more specifically was 18 - 20 GMT
I am linking three separate main pieces of evidence for several offences including Trolling, 2x Out of RP insult, Out of RP threat, improper use of OOC channels, Poor quality RP and several circumstantial cases of RDM which I cannot provide evidence for . I am also linking screenshots of chat and other reports against the player.
#1 See chat about on-going RDM complaints from multiple people for context. At this point we had been accused of metagaming. Completely normal RP until we reach the safezone. Then it sounds to my ears like the following insults are separate from his rolepaly. Among other insults, the one I reacted to was "You fucking scum of the earth I hope you fucking die".
#2 Screaming and using unnecessary foul language which I see as trolling (see very end of recording)
#3 The TeamSpeak 'discussion' ; I tried to resolve the matter on Teamspeak but from the very beginning I felt that his attitude was hostile towards us(he opened the conversation by shouting "hello retards!"). Circumstantial, but I can also hear his tone change completely as DI Tampax(Mentor) joins the channel.

In the end, I feel like this person is maybe not the type of 'mature player' we want in the community. Game Moderator Farmer Giles already issued the user a TeamSpeak ban based on part 1 of evidence #3 and the discussion following video #3 after I was told to stop recording.

People involved:
Markovic (Me)
BROALE111 (in-game: Aleksi)
DI Tampax (Mentor)
SGT Farmer Giles (Game Moderator)
Slave (Perpetrator)

Related report(s):

P.S. I apologize for poor quality of videos as this incident left me with 4+ GIGA bytes of data. I will upload originals if needed.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

http://i.imgur.com/QMkAW5y.png http://i.imgur.com/rGWDRHe.png http://i.imgur.com/8s7ybqU.png http://i.imgur.com/AU1ixSF.png http://i.imgur.com/fbYCOYT.png https://youtu.be/pN6Y9ePH9b8 https://youtu.be/zmbF0PojXyg https://youtu.be/VgQJp49PLjc

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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All in RP friends, I have RP character.

If admin wishes to say I cannot RP this way then I apologise and we go forward and I do not act this way.

Closed -Player already banned.

The only thing I would ban for here is "Hello retards". There is nothing to indicate that what he said in-game about "I hope you fucking die" was anything but in roleplay. Why do you think it wasn't? When I played as a rebel I told people I would do horrible things to do them on a semi-daily basis.

As for the screaming, yeah that should definitely be toned down, less screaming more roleplaying. But it only warrants a warning, nothing more. And foul words can be used, this is an adult server after all. As long as they are not out of RP or way over the top, and I don't think this was way over the top.

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