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Report a Player - Sniffo - Trolling

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Norwich UK

Your In-game name

Andrew Shafter

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

A player named Sniffo ran up behind the car and purposely pulls out spike strips into the car without placing it sending the car flying and nearly killing us.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpVNmrNtRaM    https://gyazo.com/b5132b5ec6e82ede496b8a45fed0ecab

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I had the amazing opportunity to be dragged into this by Mr Shafter and Jamfur as given by evidence below (pictures and audio link will be provided)

The situation was that Sniffo (a member of the Sopranos which I help run), had experienced an altercation with the men in the vehicle. Sniffo wanted to spike strip the car and then run away, unaware and unknowingly to him there is a glitch (which is shown in the video) which fires vehicles into the air when spike stripped. After this happens Sniffo appears to run away when one of these gentlemen (who I fail to remember) asks for Sniffo to "COME ON TS NOW". Sniffo not being very good at the english language and a very nervous person asks for me to join him in the room so he will not be berated by multiple people at once, which eventually happens.

Once we join the room Sniffo is accused of doing the spike strip glitch on purpose, he denies this and explains if he did kill them by accident he would have comped them and it was not his intention, things get heated and we are told by Jamfur alone in the help channel with us that he does not want to resolve the situation. Sniffo then leaves the room and goes off ALUK and TS, making it impossible for either of us to contact him due to him believing the situation is not wanted resolved.

I am then approached ingame by Andrew and Jamfur who write out of roleplay that they wish for Sniffo to return unto Teamspeak, which I cannot get him to since I have no contact with him outside of the game and is/was "away" on steam at the time. When I tell them that I cannot contact Sniffo for them and I have nothing to do with being able to resolve it between them, I am told that it was their attempt to contact Sniffo through me and not to say they didn't attempt to resolve it. (I'd like to add them not mentioning any of this in the report, putting "You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting"  as a no. 

Evidence on Sniffo's behalf and the attempt towards contacting Sniffo through me and somehow assuming I can summon him. (I excuse for repeated images of the same text, as I was not sure that the lighting was proper enough for it being readable.) The higher pitch voice is Jamfur, you can trace Andrew Schafter from the original report, the accent is Sniffo and it's very obvious which voice is mine.



I would like to note that the attitude that is shown when we attempt to resolve the situation is not an attidue that shows resolvance at all, and personally I cannot see how it was an attempt at resolving, but more an attempt at berating Sniffo as he was not given chances to speak and when mentioning staff he was told he'd get banned. Furthemore I do not see how this is trolling as no one died, it was done once out of accident and there was an ATTEMPT at apologizing for it, I feel this is a report just to get Sniffo banned as no one was actually hurt from the incident.

Thank you for your time,
Dr. H. Lecter

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Firstly, it's pretty obvious that he prop blocked on purpose. Secondly, I would prefer if you didn't call me 'higher pitched' as I am pretty self-conscious and find that pretty rude. Thirdly, I refused to speak to him as I was very angry and didn't want to get banned from the team speak by saying mean things so I left before I got way too heated. Fourthly, the screenshot of where I say 'HAHAHA' is because I was with another friend rp'ing with the police with @apollogamer1. I said 'HAHAHAHA' because @Drew landed on @apollogamer1's head and killed him. Last of all I just wanted to say this isn't my report so me 'saying' that I didn't want to resolve it means nothing as it is @Andrew Shafter's evidence so it was up to @Sniffo to sort it with him.


Firstly, it's pretty obvious that he prop blocked on purpose. Secondly, I would prefer if you didn't call me 'higher pitched' as I am pretty self-conscious and find that pretty rude. Thirdly, I refused to speak to him as I was very angry and didn't want to get banned from the team speak by saying mean things so I left before I got way too heated. Fourthly, the screenshot of where I say 'HAHAHA' is because I was with another friend rp'ing with the police with @apollogamer1. I said 'HAHAHAHA' because @Drew landed on @apollogamer1's head and killed him. Last of all I just wanted to say this isn't my report so me 'saying' that I didn't want to resolve it means nothing as it is @Andrew Shafter's evidence so it was up to @Sniffo to sort it with him.

You were in the car too, so we assumed it was a report for both of you as it happened to not only Andrew but you both. If it was not your report and you had nothing to do with it then there was no reason for you to be in the teamspeak room during the attempt at resolving as it is obvious Sniffo was overwhelmed and had little chance to speak, I was there due to the obvious language barrier. As explained previously Sniffo was never told who was wanting to report him and as all three of you joined the help channel later it was not very easy for him to figure out.

As for me referring to you as "higher pitched" I only did that to make it easier for the administration listening to the audio. I would prefer it those who did not have anything to do with the report would not continue to comment on it (including myself unless asked for) as everything has already been said and mentioning on my behalf. I will make my best attempts to have Sniffo reply and help him write what he wants to say, beyond that I would like to retire from all of this to avoid turning the thread into a prolonged debate. If I am needed by the admin team then tell me but beyond that I retire.


I didnt mean to flip ur car like i said in Teamspeak. My intention was to destroy ur whels.

When i joined Teamspeak u accused me of doing that on purpose.

I told u few times that that my not my intention.

Few minutes later u said that u dont want to resolve that...*I will upload the video*

I went offline, because u said u dont want to resolve the problem...I was offline on Steam and Teamspeak so H.Lector couldnt send me a mesaage...U cant just change ur mind after some minutes.

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This really isn't trolling. Looks like an accident to me. Part of the problem is police are trained to properly use spike strips, players who have never been in the police not so much.

Since no one actually died, no comp is required.

As far as the conversations and resolving it, I'll just say it's a videogame, don't get mad at videogames.

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