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Report a Player - (SOS)PFC. Fletcher, (SOS)Lt. Alex, (SOS)RCT. Mad and more people - Other (Resolved)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

(SOS)PFC. Fletcher, (SOS)Lt. Alex, (SOS)RCT. Mad and more people

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

We were getting chased for a while by 4 helicopters and I decide to go to Kore Drug dealer and shoot warning shots to the helicopters following me. As soon as I start warning shooting a 3rd helicopter I get shot at, which in my eyes is pure baiting. I had a chat with SOS Gen Faheem, and from my point of view, we could not resolve the situation. He agrees to this and then threatens to make a revenge report on a situation we have solved, that did not involve me or him. As I tell him to go ahead, he tells me to fuck off. I would like to request staff team having a closer view on SOS, as I had multiple situations with them. This baiting involed around 7 people and action should be taken against it. Now I am explaining what at 1 point i opened my ingame phone. I took a screenshot of it in order to know who I should attempt to solve this situation with. 

EDIT: As talked with an Admin I was told this was not exactly baiting, but RDM.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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We spoke to @Nalurah and were told this was not baiting, i am really struggling to understand why you are reporting us, you robbed our house you should expect us to come and get our stuff and if you don't want to give us it back we take it back simple.

We spoke to @Nalurah and were told this was not baiting, i am really struggling to understand why you are reporting us, you robbed our house you should expect us to come and get our stuff and if you don't want to give us it back we take it back simple.
I also spoke to Nalurah and she told me that is not really baiting, but RDM... I made this report before talking to her and I might need to edit it.

Why is it not reported as an RDM report then? We were aiming to shoot at your tires which we had initiated on, you can hear them hitting the car that you were a reasonable distance from, you just opened fire on us! Also at about 3:40 one of your guys out of character says "Faheems a fucking wanker" which i see as 1.3

Why is it not reported as an RDM report then? We were aiming to shoot at your tires which we had initiated on, you can hear them hitting the car that you were a reasonable distance from, you just opened fire on us! Also at about 3:40 one of your guys out of character says "Faheems a fucking wanker" which i see as 1.3
why are you commenting if you are not involved or do not show evidence? I told you why this is not  a RDM report.  Anyone can say whatever they want as long as they do not directly offend someone, can't they? I can say some fucked up shit about X when I am talking to someone else, but obviously I will be polite when I talk to them.   For example when I came to ts, he told me to fuck off, which isnt very polite at all. And I bet at least one of you talked shit about me and I am not that bothered.

I'm group representative for 1, also you say 'Others' which i count as the rest of SOS present
Please refrain from commenting on player reports unless you're directly involved, being a group representative for the gang that's being reported does not make you directly involved.


Let's start off with the first allegation swearing in Ts. I did not swear directly at you but swore purely because you was being very arrogant in saying the entire gang was baiting even though we wasn’t, it was used to let some anger out nothing more nothing less. To add you claim I had said I wanted to “Revenge Report” you. In no shape or form would I waste time putting up a report over OOC. I was simply stating that there is no need to boast about Gunfights after a heated situation as it comes across you trying to create some form of drama in the community.  To add i was not even in the gang you was boasting about… that would be the “1st Rogue Battalion”. To add we have already spoken to @Nalurah about it this morning and she had stated she was going to speak to Kai about last night and she had also stated it was not baiting but in fact RDM. You was also instructed by @CI Xkan to not speak to me until he was present.

Here is the link to the start of the situation: http://plays.tv/video/59ec89ffdd7e6808f8/start-of-the-situation-

This is all I have as I was not there for the rest of it, but as it goes for the RDM how can Pilots RDM if they are flying a helicopter? Kai is the only one who has a recording of last night to my knowledge. To add to this we had ally’s there as well so we do not know who shot and even it was a SOS member at that.

(Edit: He was not instructed but advised to speak to any staff team member)

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You're probably missing about at least 10-20 mins of the story.

Your gang affiliates were going to rob Faheems house, as Faheem saw with his own eyes it was going to happen. So he called in on radio for Ally units and Gang units. All of us arrived and "The Lings" (Your gang) decided to back off, and try to run away. We had two choices, to let you off and run off or, we come and get you so in the future you don't try something stupid. We chose that option because it would of benefited us. We had 2 Gang MH-9's and 1 Orca chase your gang car (Hatchback Sport (Grey) and then we came across you in a Hatchback Sport (Red) you turned around and followed the Grey Hatchback sport. You were going back to Kavala we lost sight of the grey hatchback sport, but still had knew where the red hatchback sport - so we followed you. An Ally from 1RB initiated on your tires giving us the go ahead to shoot tires. Chasing you towards Kore we placed spikes behind you and noticed that you got back with the grey hatchback sport, tried to go to Kore and found that you got out your vehicle, as I was flying I had no night vision at the time, as I was about 80-100m up in the air I didn't notice the vehicle was actually damaged until after the mag that was sprayed into my helicopter and an ally in the radio saying "His wheels are out he must of crashed."  and because we didn't know before hand that your tires were out, we tried to take them out because we just thought you stopped your vehicle, and we wanted you to stay there til our units got to the scene who were on the ground after shooting your tires, like I said an ally member told us the tires were already out.  If you thought it was a bait attempt, it most certainly wasn't. Just a precaution for us guys to make sure you didn't leave. At this point we had 5 gang members, and 2 Ally's surrounding you which ended up with you dying. Although this is not what we wanted to happen, it ended up like that. 

Report was resolved between both parties on teamspeak. 

Moving to Rejected.

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