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Report a Player - [TCK] Hammah - Glitcher

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Daniel 2sec

Well-known member

Your In-game name

Daniel 2sec

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[TCK] Hammah

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Me and my friend flew to the outpost to buy some guns for out houses as it is half price. I lock picked the heli that blocked the heli pad, as I wanted to buy a new one. My friend has been initiated on. I ran up the tower and bought a gun because I wanted to help him. I started to shoot the rebels that robbed my friend after he initiated on them. My friend has been shot, I was on the top of the tower with a random guy. So I told him I will give him money if he helps me. There was [TCK] Hammah just one floor below us and he tried to shoot though the floor. He wasted many mags without hitting me. At one point he shot me trough the floor as I stopped walking.

I think [TCK] Hammah killed me through the floor. However, he many times said he didn't. He said he stood on the stairs and shot me trough the wall. As it is well known it isn't possible to penetrate the floor nor the wall. Me and my friends even tested it. The only way to penetrate the floor/wall is by glitching/exploiting through it. It is true that he tried to offer me comp, but I didn't want it as he was obviously not telling what really happened. Many times he said that he just sprayed everything and he can't remember what happened, and that only 5 minutes after the gunfight. he even accused me of revenge report, because I told him I will take it further but I didn't want the comp. So I just want to say that this isn't anything like a revenge report. I just want bring an issue up to an admin.

In the video you can clearly see how I stand in the corner without any other way to die then by a glitch. You can also see the blood comming from the floor (in the screenshot). That means he must have killed me because my leg poked through the floor. You can also see there wasnt anybody behind me that could have shot me.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

you can clearly see that there isn't anybody shooting me through the wall as he said: 


There is blood comming from the floor, that means my leg must have glitched and he used it:


Furthermore here is the chat:





And here is the video that shows that it isn't possible to shoot through the wall:


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Alright so as I've already explained to Daniel, I was on the second floor of the tower, the people at the top above me were taking multiple shots into the floor (my ceiling) trying to floorbang me. I also sprayed like 6 mags into the ceiling trying to catch someone whenever I heard footsteps but I didn't get anyone. After the shots calmed down for like a minute or two I went up the stairs that leads to the top of the tower by probably a very small amount. I literally just started spraying everywhere trying to land a shot because I thought there was atleast 2-5 guys up there because of the amount of shots they were putting into the floor. I didn't know about this whole glitch where you can see people through the tower and can use that to shoot and kill them from the floor below. I already explained this to Daniel and told him that I don't think I'm in the wrong in my eyes but maybe I am and therefor I offered him compensation multiple times. He denied my comp and said he will be reporting me because he wants the truth and thinks I'm lying as I couldn't tell him where exactly I was stood on the stairs when he died. I don't have video evidence to support my story as I didn't alt+f10 due to thinking I did nothing wrong or they did nothing wrong. If I did kill him because of some glitch then I apologise but I've already offered him comp so I don't really know what else to do. He claims me of lying but I told him, the only reason I would lie is to avoid giving him comp, why would I lie and offer comp at the same time? It's just a waste of my time, his time and now the staff team's time. Not really sure what else to say about this, If I have done something wrong then I do apologise and will accept the consequence of a permanent ban or whatever the punishment is going to be but honestly in my eyes I didn't think I did do anything wrong. Also as for revenge reporting, I do feel like this is a revenge report because I literally tried to resolve it multiple times but still, here we are on the forums. A support member also told me it was stupid of him to prefer and take this to the forums after I tried to resolve it. Not sure what else to say but yeah, If I'm in the wrong then I accept that.

After reviewing the evidence, and talking to the member support member that helped in resolving the situation i am going to DENY the report.

The reason i have denied this report is because the evidence does not fully prove he shot your leg through the floor. 

As we all know arma is a very buggy game, and this stuff can happen, certain angles, can make bullets go through the floor. If there was a video of him shooting a foot through the floor, then yes, it would have been accepted, due to no clear cut evidence this is DENIED.

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