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Report a Player - [TCK] Will Boston - Poor/Low Quality RP (Retracted)

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Active member
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[TCK] Will Boston

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

i was gonna do some work with my truck but i seen one guy driving slow in front of me , i did think i would get robbed but then his friend came from the back and pulled his car over in the middle of the road and when i passed him i heard him say hands up ... then starts shooting me. then after this they both started following me , then i pulled over quickly to take them out but i only managed to kill one. after this i went to the guy i killed to ask him some stuff then somebody shooting me , 2 min after someone comes and zips me. after this he put me in his car and drove with me around for a bit , gone to the hospital to get some stuff n yeah . in this time i messaged the police to help me. after this one of his friends comes in his car and then we gone on kavala center to wait someone there i suppose . then police showed up and tried to help me but they kinda failed. theen he drives his car in the water and leaves me to die there. i have a lot of videos because the actions is pretty long .

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


sorry i uploaded two times , 

here are the rest of the videos








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Is there any chance that you can put these video in order? with time spacings between each in a clear list. Right now it s jumbled mess. @Yama

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there we go :



3.http://plays.tv/video/58fde74a6f3b49b9ba/-   ( i came around on the road to fight them , and they were following me)

4.http://plays.tv/video/58fdeb02a6aca68735/- ( i saw this guy puling over so i assumed he was in a gang with the others , but it was pretty obvious he was]

5.http://plays.tv/video/58fdec5b603532f627/- (i came back to the guy i just shot to talk to him for a bit but somebody else starts shooting me)

6.http://plays.tv/video/58fded20b65e479aa0/- ( i saw the guy peaking over the truck with a gun  and i started shooting him but i was too slow)

7.http://plays.tv/video/58fdef2b993215ad89/- (after he kidnapped me and driving me around the hospital to get some stuff then get back to his friends then drive around kavala then go near the police station to get a friend then go at the kavala square and park there , the cops were there and from all the messages i sent them i think they surely knew it was me and i was being kidnapped)

8.http://plays.tv/video/58fdefff79a1b2f0b5/- ( here is the part why im making this report , after he left from kavala square , he drove with the car right in the sea and leaving me inside the car to die , wich is not pretty nice i say)

9.http://plays.tv/video/58fdf0a835c38c1fc4/final ( aaand here i just wanted to show u he didnt uncuffed me and left me to drown)

@Samuel Thompson
Oke im going to respond on this report ore what i can call it. First of all why i cant let you died in the water? It is the same as excuting somebody and i had no ammo so this was my option to end your life. 2. You asked my to come to teamspeak i said why? And you started threatining my life with a report and that im getting banned and you wanted to report me with so much fun. @killersky @James259 @TrenBeast Saw it as well but didnt answered. Atm im on my phone so i dont have the screenshot of hem threatining me with a report i will post it tommorow when im back on pc untill that time im not answering any more on this topic because i cant call this a report im sorry :).

Oke im going to respond on this report ore what i can call it. First of all why i cant let you died in the water? It is the same as excuting somebody and i had no ammo so this was my option to end your life. 2. You asked my to come to teamspeak i said why? And you started threatining my life with a report and that im getting banned and you wanted to report me with so much fun. @killersky @James259 @TrenBeast Saw it as well but didnt answered. Atm im on my phone so i dont have the screenshot of hem threatining me with a report i will post it tommorow when im back on pc untill that time im not answering any more on this topic because i cant call this a report im sorry :).
i didnt asked you to come to teamspeak , i sayd if yo uwant to give me money for my gun and you sayd no , simple . the rest is my kind of joke but i see you are going to take it as a threat to help your situation a bit, i know that,, dunno if its all true but cant check now. but tell me , did  you hear anyone that sayed : damn dude , executing your prisioner(or whatever..) by driving your car in the water is such a fine example of quality roleplay? , cuz i didnt .

Here is the part that he treathened me ingame, If he asked me to talk about it in Teamspeak i could tell him that there is nothing wrong with the part how i let him died and if he wanted we could ask a staff member.

I wouldn t take that as a threat , it was a question to choose a or b. and i would be FINE if you did some rp before letting me drown or something like that , not just dive the car straiiight into the sea and then say sorry , i dont find this very nice.

Locking pending staff review as both parties won't come to a compromise.

Right before I make my judgement call on what evidence has been provided. @Yama are you able to provide the full video's instead of patches? as tbh with you I can really go off it as they are small little clips where I can't see if there was anything being said or anything. 

Uploadinf the whole 40 min would take me like 12 hours and i ve deleted it already because i wanted to free up my space and yeah sorry about that i didnt know you need it . Anyway , can you delete this report?

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