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Report a Player - [Terrorist]Amir, [Terrotist] Takuya - Other

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Zuid-Holland, the Netherlands

Your In-game name

[KoA] Max Heisenberg

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[Terrorist]Amir, [Terrotist] Takuya

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was walking in de GZ of Kavala when I heard a car siren going off, So i was going to take a look when i saw that a hobo was lockpicking it i warned him multiple times, a couple of seconds later he drove out of the GZ and we chased him, when we saw him later with the stolen car he stept out and i asked him to put his hands in the air, i warned him multiple times, just before i shot him he asked me in direct voice chat how he was able to do that (I guess thats breaking/low RP), after all of that i went back to the GZ to chill until i saw him walking again (i a radius of 1km in 15 minutes after his dead) so he was also breaking NLR. I asked him to come to TS but he told me he didnt want to waste his time so i decided to make a report (in the video you also see mee chasing after another car that got stolen by his friend ''[Terrotist] Takuya'', he was also stealing a car in GZ and we shot him when we got out of the GZ. At the end you also see me getting VDM'd multiple times, I couldn't see his name but I guess that was Takuya because those guys are friends and he also spawned there (Dont know this 100% sure)
00 : 08 Amir stealing car in GZ
00 : 58 Takuya stealing car in GZ
03 : 30 Amir asking how to put his hands up in direct voice chat
05 : 40 Amir breaking NLR
06 : 15 You see me getting VDM'd (I guess by Takuya)

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Approved - [Terrorist] Amir - Lockpicking in Greenzone, Breaking NLR - Awaiting Action

Approved  - [Terrorist] Takuya - Robbing in the green zone - Awaiting Action

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