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Report a Player - (TGB) PV2. Malwaka - RDM

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Mike Polo

Dev Team
Los Santos Police
Republic of Ireland
Your In-game name

Brigadier Mike polo

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

(TGB) PV2. Malwaka

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I and a group of people were going to rob a bank so we needed hostages. We went on the look for hostages when we got into a situation with the police that ended up with that situation being disregarded as the PCSO Initiated in vehicle Channel.
Anyway, when we got to Agios the Helicopter picked our target and kept eyes on it while me driving the bus caught up when we got into Agios I initiated on the person who then initiated on me. I was given no time to comply before being shot. I called their gang into TeamSpeak which took a minute because they were using Discord as their Gang Communications. Once they had loaded up TeamSpeak and entered the Belfast room with me and the other members of the group we discussed what happened. Their excuse was that I had taken the hostages G.P.S. and communications that I wasn't going to go through with their demands so they shot me. Throughout this meeting, they were quite irate at us because we informed them that they had not given any time to comply before shooting me through the head. We stayed civil and tried to explain the rule in our understanding multiple times to no success. Although at the end they begrudgingly transferred the money for my gear into my Account. Although they had compensated me for the money I had lost I do not feel they grasp the RDM rule and are liable to have this happen to them again.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@Mike Polo

So for clarification. You allude to the fact that you've already resolved this situation, and received compensation from the party involved but you're reporting them anyway? 

Can you give further details as to what your discussion entailed that persuaded the individuals to compensate you?
While a little quick per say it seems reasonably clear that you had no intention of letting the man go if you are removing his GPS and communication devices after he indicates he is not alone. 

Hey Qrow, 

Thanks for the quick reply

Our discussion entailed us trying to explain that I needed time to comply after initiation. I had no chance to release the guy and as for taking his GPS and communication if you watch the video, you can see that I do it instantly after placing him in the Zip Tie starting before he initiated giving me no chance at all to comply to there demands and avoid a shootout. In our meeting, they showed us there very limited and sometimes mistaken knowledge for our server rules During which like I stated above they were quite irate and rude. I`m unsure what persuaded them to compensate me as when we ended the meeting they didn`t believe that they had broken any rules at all. All of which are my reasons for my follow up with this report.

I did understood from Mike Polo that this case has been solved after we paid the compensation during the conversation in Teamspeak.

I think it's weird that you still report me after you have accepted our money to compensate your loadout.

Our clan leader (Mash) was going to do a diamond run and asked us to protect him during his run because we were bored.

After Mash got restrained he told Mike Polo; “If your not going away now you will get shot from my friends. I have friends in the area, leave now or you will get killed”  Your answer was: “ Taking your gps and coms”.

I was on the building across the diamond trader and have heard every word they were saying. So from my perspective you were not going to leave and so am I able to shoot you.

As I can see on your video you already took away his gps and communication before you said it. It should be like this. You say “I’m taking away your gps and communication” and than you do the interaction. Not the opposite. And you where going to escort him so there would have been a gunfight anyway.

I do have recorded everything so If you want to see the situation from my perspective please ask me.

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Yes we think we did not broke any rule. If so pls tell us so I can discuss this with my clan and learn from this.

tbh according to your video it's me that should report you for incorrect roleplay. Zip tie someone and take his gps and coms before saying anything. But I'm not that kind of guy that report someone for that in this situation.

During the teamspeak conversation you threatened us by saying if we wouldnt comp you would take this to he forum. So to end it peacefully we desided to be polite and comp u for your gear. Never the less you still go to the forums? Is this to bully us? Because as i remember thats breaking the rules aswell. To top it of you didnt even said anything after we gave you the money, you just left the teamspeak lobby. I dont see why this needs to waste any time of the admins. 

- we talked about it in teamspeak
- @MashObey comped those we asked for it (total of 300k)

Also you say we were rude during the teamspeak conversation. This was because we coudnt defend ourself because everytime you would talk straight through us. I dont know what you define rude, but after somebody does that 10 times youll get really annoyed aswell. 

We paid you like i stated above. Its just a game and we enjoyed our time. We didnt wanted our night to get ruined by something this simple.

Just to clarify I was the second gun man. I didnt had a clear shot when the order was given.


[SIZE=11pt]Hey guys Thanks for replying, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]I`m going to try to answer you guys all at once so bear with me.[/SIZE]

Sorry  but why  you make post if i pay  300k  ?
[SIZE=11pt]I’ve answered this question before but since it was a common trend for me to repeat myself during the TeamSpeak conversation, I`m going to say again for your Benefit why this report was posted. I decided to post this Report due to the events that occurred. I believe that shooting me before I got a chance to comply even though I had taken your GPS and Communications during your initiation to be against the server rules.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]During our meeting in the Belfast room I found you guys to have a lack of knowledge about the server rules during this time I tried my best to explain to you guys how I believed that you guys had broken the server rules to no avail because when I asked did you guys understand the rule that I was trying to explain you guys read back a broken or misunderstood version of what I was saying. I felt disheartened by this because I was trying to do my best to help you guys understand.  At the end of the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]meeting[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] you guys still didn’t understand the rule that I was trying to explain as shown by the quote from Malawaka below.[/SIZE]

Yes we think we did not broke any rule. If so pls tell us so I can discuss this with my clan and learn from this.

tbh according to your video it's me that should report you for incorrect roleplay. Zip tie someone and take his gps and coms before saying anything. But I'm not that kind of guy that report someone for that in this situation.
[SIZE=11pt]During the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]meeting[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] I also found the way you guys to be communicating with me to be rude, you guys where quite irate at the thought of me saying you had broken a server rule.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]All of the reasons above are why this report exists I believe the only way to truly resolve this situation even though I got compensation is to get an expert (The admins) to review and consider everything that has taken place and advise us on how to better deal with this situation next time if it was to come up again. I believe this to be a great learning opportunity for not just me but you guys as well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]My belief is that the above initiation as quoted by Malawaka is for me to leave the area now, I was not given any time to leave the area before being shot. I do not believe taking the GPS and coms would have prevented me from leaving the area if the initiation had occurred before I started taking GPS and coms I would understand then but it happened during at that time I would [/SIZE]have[SIZE=11pt] left because we where not looking for a gunfight while collecting the hostages we where looking for simple kidnappings so that we would have something to trade with the police.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It is my understanding with taking peoples GPS and Communications [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]is[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] that it has to be roleplayed whether that is before or after I have actually taken them.[/SIZE]

During the teamspeak conversation you threatened us by saying if we wouldnt comp you would take this to he forum. So to end it peacefully we desided to be polite and comp u for your gear. Never the less you still go to the forums? Is this to bully us? Because as i remember thats breaking the rules aswell. To top it of you didnt even said anything after we gave you the money, you just left the teamspeak lobby. I dont see why this needs to waste any time of the admins. 

- we talked about it in teamspeak
- @MashObey comped those we asked for it (total of 300k)

Also you say we were rude during the teamspeak conversation. This was because we coudnt defend ourself because everytime you would talk straight through us. I dont know what you define rude, but after somebody does that 10 times youll get really annoyed aswell. 

We paid you like i stated above. Its just a game and we enjoyed our time. We didnt wanted our night to get ruined by something this simple.

Just to clarify I was the second gun man. I didnt had a clear shot when the order was given.

[SIZE=11pt]BGJ I`m sorry that you felt threatened by us during our conversation that is not how we wanted to come across towards the end of the meeting I asked for compensation which you guys reluctantly gave I`m unsure how you feel threatened by this but I apologize[/SIZE] if I came across this way as I hope you understand that wasn’t my intention. The purpose of the meeting was to try to solve the issue that arose not to extort cash out of you guys to buy more gear.

[SIZE=11pt]To reiterate what I said before the whole purpose of this is not to bully you guys but to educate ourselves on the rules and how to live by them on the server and during this process I’ve tried to be as kind to you guys as possible as I know this is a difficult situation to be in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I`m [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]really[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] unsure what you mean by[/SIZE] [SIZE=11pt]That you couldn`t defend your self.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] I concisely made it my objection to [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]listen[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] to both my side and your side while during the conversation. I hope you know I just what this to be sorted and put to bed, I do not want this to drag on forever.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I hope I have addressed all your points as this took a good amount of time to write out. If I have missed out on anything please I beg of you to bring it to my attention as I truly want to end this.[/SIZE]

Dear Mike polo,

We ended the whole shit storm when we left the Teamspeak. We talked about it between ourselves for a good 10 minutes and after we all went to sleep to have a good night rest. But Mike please next time come to speak to use if you can't sleep because of these matters. We had already learned from it and ended it. Therefore I don't get why you make this a report a player case instead of a general discussion so everybody can give their opinion.

I don't feel any hate to you or your friends that were part of the conversation. I just don't find it fair that after we paid 300k you decide to backstab use in the matter of learning something. But again no hard feelings because in the end, it's just a game we like to play right?

I`m confident that these guys know what's going on

can we mark this as resolved I don`t want to take this on any further is gone on too long!

" it's just a game we like to play right?  "

Sorry for inconvenience

-Mike polo ❤️

I`m confident that these guys know what's going on

can we mark this as resolved I don`t want to take this on any further is gone on too long!

" it's just a game we like to play right?  "

Sorry for inconvenience

-Mike polo ❤️
I'm glad we have solved this without the help of admins. 🤝

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Report Rejected

Parties consider this report resolved without staff help. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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