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Report a Player - The Only luke - Glitcher

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Active member
Manchester UK

Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

The Only luke

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was killed at drug processor and while i had to wait for timer to go away i saw i was being body glitched tried solving it with the person that killed me but he refused to prove it wasn't him that done it also when he came to our t.s he was being offensive to me because i told him he cant call me an idiot on side chat. We had a person from their team that came to our t.s clearly knowing who it was but refusing to tell us who exactly it was. They also failed to show us a video from their side of view which we asked for to see who it was that bodyglitched.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)



This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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you know exactly who it was because you was stood right behind him as your friend told us on t.s

Then as there are 6 of you then i say all 6 of you must stand responsible as im sure like me you know who you are playing with and that's with masks on or not! ( i would llike to see a longer un edited version before and after the event so we can then try to work out who out of the 6 it is - as even with masks on in gangs the names will show) so out of the 6 if the one that does not stand up and take account for there actions then as i say all 6 must be accounted for, as in this community glitching, cheating is not acceptable and if as you clearly state there was 6 of you and it was not you that leaves 5? one did it!

I'll give you a full 10-15 minute clip if you want. Wont be until tomorrow though. 

If you clearly look at the clip, it's an unknown player. We always have shemags on, so we can never tell who which person is. Normally we plan it out but papa just ran in and started the Iniation. 

You being serious? Banning all 6 players
 have a word with yourself lad. 

Also, reborn, think you need to check the rules mate. Shouldn't be commenting on this. 

Report A Player Rules

1. A report is not there for discussion

  • Anyone posting in a report who is not thereporter or reported will have their post removed and 1 warning point given
    (Restricts you posting for 7 days or more days)
@LukeC I suggest you have a gang meting and find out who this was please. 


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Will do. But it was two nights ago, the chance of someone remembering it was them, even more since we've played about 7 hours since. We've diedand had to rebuy gear since so more than likely nobody will have the same clothes. 

In regards to the video, if you watch in 1080p the blue bandana changes to green, do players have camo on their neck? Serious question that i don't know the answer to. 

Also, it doesn't make sense, he's wearing a shemag, why would he want a bandana?

I don't know who it was, the video shows it wasn't me, the other name is unknown so i don't know how anyone will work it out. I'll give you the clip before to show i ran down by myself solo. 

Being the closest thing we have to a gang leader i have decided to investigate this situation.

After some careful analysis, we have narrowed the person on the footage to be ”[S.C.S] Bobby”
He still denies body glitching but has agreed that he is most likely to be the person on the video.

I'm going to bring up some points in his defense.

I can see where he is coming from Luke says who wants a rifle and picks it up him self first however Bobby has a delayed pickup animation and misses the gun. He told me at this point he checked his bag to see if he had picked the gun up. (i have attached a video which shows this to some degree and you can see the arm reaching down is in fact for the gun not the body)

I don't see what reason he had to pickup a balaclava when he had a shemag on.

It looks a lot more like a graphical glitch to me green and blood stretched is not a normal arma 3 face.

If an admin has logged evidence that he did body glitch then he fully deserves the ban glitching is not acceptable and I wouldn't want someone in my gang which does this.

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I'll give the accused 24 hours to come here and explain his side of the story, but from my view it looks like a bodyglitch. When it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck. If the accused doesn't come, a decision will be rendered.

I'll try and contact him and let him know what he needs to do @Thesoldier he is in North Carolina so we only catch him around 7pm UK time.

I totally get what your saying though it does like a body glitch I am going off trust at the moment and can understand how easy something can glitch on Arma.
Because on Arma 3 if it looks like a rabbit, walks like a rabbit, It must be a modified buggy dog script from Arma 2 :)

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Ok, this is Bobby in-game. I can confirm that was me who was bending over in the dead, masked, body. I also can confirm just as well that I took nothing from the body. In the video that gibbo put up, I tried to pick the mk up and checked my inventory to see I really got it. This is the only thing I have ever been even involved with as far as server rules go. I feel that such an issue shouldn't result in never being able to play again. I feel as if something "that didn't happen" should in fact be kept on a record and if anything else happens with me, I'm gone.

I do sincerely apologize for the mishap, I can assure an issue with me will be unheard of if I do get a second chance on this server... Best I've played on. This consequence, if handled irrationally could rip me of all Arma experiences and my new friends acquired on this amazing server. I do believe that you guys will make the rightful decision on the matter.

Rejected: I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to Bobby on this one, but be warned anyone reading this who body glitches. If caught you will be permabanned, no appeals, no return. Is it really worth it??

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