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Report a Player - [TMC] Michael - RDM (Resolved)

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Hønefoss, Norway
Your In-game name

Alex Nobel

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[TMC] Michael

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

There was a bank robbery in the athira bank. Me and my fellow officer. My fellow officer started to talk with the man who was robbing the bank. He did not respond when we tried to speak with him. The other officer told the man inside to put his gun down so we could talk, then both I and my other officer get killed, without any clear warning. I talked with a admin about it and he said to go and file a report about the rule break.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Hi,its michael I would like to explain what happend i thought my friends did a clear warning i would like to come to ts whit you to have a talk about this situation

But cops, you did say 'Put your guns down, we have SWAT comming' You kind of threatend them. This made one of our members sacred and said that you said something or whatever so michael being told to kill you killed you. End of you did threaten them saying SWAT was comming and telling them to put your gun down.

Think of it this way, in IRL police dont go stright to the bank saying put your guns down do they, they get someone, and only ONE to go talk about it. you did not make that clear to the bank robbers that you are chill and not going to arrest or fire untill this is taken care of; you just ran up to it and started shouting 'drop your guns, lower your guns, SWAT Is comming, Your surrounded. This was not RDM i heard it all over the radio. You where threating TMC. If you think something else happend or you have a diffrent side of the story please tell me. i would like to know. thanks.


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Why did neither player try to resolve? Also I would like to know what you were trying to get out of the bank robbery since you have people surrounding the place. Its not like it gives you a million pound.

Well I talked with a admin on TS and he said i should file a report and he would have a talk with TMC thats why i didn't contact you via TeamSpeak. But we can have a talk about om Ts later today

@Adrian Isaksen

Oke I will wait for you to try and resolve. Post when you guys have resolved or you want me continue the report.

Oke waiting for after the weekend if not posted that its resolved the report will be continued as per usual.

As this has been resolved I will deny this as such. Thank you for letting us know @SPC Alex Nobel

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