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Report a Player - Tyrick Watsonn - RDM

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Well-known member
Infront of my PC next to my neighbor.
Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Tyrick Watsonn

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Well i was going around diamond factory and i was just hovering over it alittlebit away just looking at the guy processing. There was no tracer or anything it was just one shot to the head without enigiation. I dident plan to rob him or get out of the vehicle i just wanted to watch and that was what i was doing and then he shot me out of the helicopter when i was about too leave. I wanted to talk to him about it but the TS is down and he allready left the diamond factory after he shot me. Also he was using a 7.62 Rifle wich cant tracer me and he was alone.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

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This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


I am rather curious, why have you cut out the audio from the video?

I dident plan to rob him or get out of the vehicle i just wanted to watch and that was what i was doing and then he shot me out of the helicopter when i was about too leave.
I am also curious why you have decided to include this random piece of information that I do not believe one bit and makes me rather worried about what else you are not being truthful about... you went there with a high-end rifle right away from joining the server... to watch someone process diamonds... Uhuh, I don't like it when someone tries to bullshit so don't try it again I don't care if you were there to rob him or not that would not effect the report in any way whatsoever so it is un-needed and raises some red flags for me.

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There was no sound on my game. I had just moved my PC upstairs to have a lan with my friends so i unplugged my headset and all my cabels. So when i pluged in my headset there were no sound but i dident realise before i opened the game and i dident wanna restart my PC and start the game again so i just joined the server and just flew to the diamond processor just to check. I had planned to just fly around where people usually are. You saw how i tried to turn around to leave the processor and then he shot me. I dident land and dident point anything at  him. My Rifle is too big to put in my backpack so thats why it was on my back. This is RDM because he couldent have tracered me because he is using a Mk14 wich cant do that. And dident enigiate. You cant just shoot a guy who is hovering over the factory. I had plans to go to the places where poeple usually are just because i was bored. So i checked diamond processor first and there was a guy there i hovered over it and righr before i was about to leave he shot me.

I never stated anything to dispute it was not RDM... my issue is the lack of sound in the video and your random comment about why you went there as I highly doubt that you are there sightseeing. So tell me, how do you plan on roleplaying with no sound? Do you not believe this would cause issues alike to the rule we have on the fact you MUST have a working microphone. Taking that rule into consideration and then our rule on common sense I am seriously concerned about your lack of common sense and lack of foresight. So either two things are occuring, you are either seriously lacking in sense or you are trying to bullshit me, have a guess which option I am leaning towards and be truthful with your next reply. Explain to me why you thought it was a good idea to not simply restart Arma to fix your sound and instead go on the server and be in a boat sinking faster than the boat with people with no microphones? Are you going to be an issue alongside this person who has RDMed or has this gotten through yet? @IsakSellevoll

What? I just wanted to explain as much as i could.

Really i dident think it would matter because i just wanted to fly my heicopter around then land and then leave to play with my friend because we were gonna play Scum.

I'm not wasting any further time on you then if you don't seem to understand then I will leave you with a warning instead. If you ever decide to go on the server again without sound or microphone you will end up explaining why you think it was a good idea and how the hell it will lead to any good roleplay when you cannot hear anyone. Your excuse of "I was just lookin around" is a shit excuse and right now I don't believe it for a second and believe that you are trying to pull some bullshit over it all. In future, use some COMMON SENSE and THINK about your actions and what they may cause.

@IsakSellevoll - Action Taken (Warning - Read above)

Now with the reportee, it is clear enough that he has not given warning shots or even tried doing anything other than stare at you in this case so he can explain himself in an unban appeal.

Tyrick Watsonn - Action Taken (2.2)

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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