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Report a player - Unknown Cutlass - GTA RP

I couldn't confirm it at this point because so much shooting had already occurred, but "670" was the character ID of the guy we took to Dodgey during the first Azteca fight.

Ask your members. Find out who the person in the Helicopter was.

I've provided the ID (670) of the guy whom we downed during the first situation with Aztecas at around 3:35pm.

I initially asked you if you had any information relating to the injured person and you said you didn't, where is this new information coming from?
Ask your members. Find out who the person in the Helicopter was.

I initially asked you if you had any information relating to the injured person and you said you didn't, where is this new information coming from?

If you keep in mind the ID was taken later in the day. My realisation that it's the same person but, I suppose, a different ID due to a reset, is the new information.

At what location was the Helicopter?
At what location was the Helicopter?
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You've provided a clip of you hopping online and getting active within 5 minutes. I've provided the ID (670) of the guy whom we downed during the first situation with Aztecas at around 3:35pm.

Please note that at no point was there a monkey or any kind of representation present.
The person i said it to is known for wearing a monkey mask so its just irrelevant that you would even bring this up in the first place, as i explained in ooc.
I'm used to the constant references to monkeys, and that's why I haven't brought up your racism in this report.


Who was in the Helicopter who fired the first shot -
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Who was in the Helicopter who fired the first shot -
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I currently have no idea who was in that helicopter, could you check who ID-670 was that will help.
I currently have no idea who was in that helicopter, could you check who ID-670 was that will help.
You are the gang lead. I am charging you to find out which of your members was shooting from that Helicopter.
If you could help me by finding out who was ID:670 I'd have something to work with, I don't know why you are ignoring this.

With all due respect, 670 has nothing to do with this report. Cutlass (Craig Kash), killed 670 at Legion Square, then revived by Lew Cloud at a dodgy in Sandy. This person you allege to be an Azteca is NOT an Azteca. How you made this mistake, I do not know, but these are the facts of the situation. There is also no recording to support your side of the story, the only piece of information that has been corroborated is that A. Cutlass killed someone 20 minutes before shooting Aztecas, B. Cutlass took this person to a dodgy and C. This person's session ID (post restart) was 670. That's it.

I don't know why you believe this person is integral to this report.

So I pose this to you, again, you are the gang lead. You are a gang lead because the Management Team and Staff Leads trust you. You are responsible for your gang. Now, given the position of trust you're in, find out who was the person in the helicopter who shot the Aztecas. I will not ask again.
I will be very straight with you, Scott you are hiding information and ignoring the facts, and I do not appreciate the way you are handling this report. Please accept my apologies. ID:670 was only shot down because he was assisting the Aztecas during the gunfight between us and them.

According to your timings, there was a 20-minute gap between the first shootout and the second, during which Aztecas decided to relocate to Ballas. I predict a strong relationship between Aztecas members and ID:670 and think there may be some foul play involved.

I take my responsibility as the gang leader very seriously, but Scott, you appear to be ignoring a lot of what I have to say, and you have in past reports. It wasn't the first shot, but I'll try to figure out who that heli was.

Did you find our mystery man (or women)?
but Scott, you appear to be ignoring a lot of what I have to say,
As are you. Scott has asked a few times who the one in the Heli was. So who was it?

You need to understand that in reports things get asked and we will wait for responses before answering somethings for one reason or another, Not really important however we do always clear points up, But first thing is first and that's you finding out who it was and popping it here.
I've looked and questioned, but nobody can recall being in the heli. I did learn that ID:670, who took part in the first gunfight, later received a ban due to hacking.
Since he later killed my members by teleporting onto them, it appears he was banned from the liaison.
Hello @Ben Labile - thank you for taking the time to make this report, and sorry that it took so long for it to be reviewed.

I'll be focusing on what is relevant to this report, interactions between Cutlass and Azteca's.

I'll be approving this report, as there was no roleplay (let alone quality roleplay) provided to yourself @Ben Labile before you were rammed off the road and shot.

I've looked into the events surrounding and preceding what happens in the initial clip you provided @Ben Labile, as for the claims of an on-going situation - without any substantial evidence from yourself @6AN6 I can only go off of what we can see behind the scenes, which is that the previous kill before Ben Labile between Azteca's and Cutlass occurred over 90 minutes prior to the events within the clip provided by Ben.

Regardless, high quality roleplay must be given before engaging in violence with other players. Given that there is no proof of an on-going situation, the absence of high quality roleplay leading up to @Ben Labile's death is constituted as Random Death Match.

Report Approved:
Boofy Shmu
Rule(s) Broken: G1.2
Action: 1 Day Ban - in line with FBS