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Report a player - Unknown Cutlass - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Grove Street

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Bruno Clark
Reported Players: Unknown Cutlass
Date: Jan 1, 1970
Time: 22:00
What best describes this incident: Exploiting
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Hello, so Cutlass pushed Grove Street because of an incident that happened at the Wilco Comedy Club event and a fight kicked off. However, whilst fighting the car in the clip drives by in the canals and it appears that they are shooting me from an angle that appears to be too far backwards that you should be able to in first person. This makes me think that the person shooting is exploiting and shooting me in third person and that is why I have chosen to report it. I would appreciate to see their POV and diminish any doubts, as they weren't cleared entirely from a previous report about a potential third person shooting that was reported before as i my self have cars with fully blacked out windows and know that in first person you can't see trough them.
I will be happy to close the report with a POV from the issi sports.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2dUpb9ZrvPs_ZK/d13374Wyp6t8?invite=cr-MSx1bmUsMTc0NzIxNjY5LA
I mentioned the Blacked out windows but i completely forgot about mentioning the angle that he is shooting from in first person and the place the car is located in comparison to me which further proves that it was exploiting. (A ticket will be opened with further evidence from one of the grove members involved in the situation)

Sorry for any staff members if this looks like bumping the thread just forgot to mention this information.
Hi there @Bmav

Could you supply me with a date and time for this incident please?
Thanks for that @Bmav

Also, would you be able to upload the little bit of a longer clip, including the moment of your death in this scenario please.

Thank you.
Thanks for that @Bmav

Also, would you be able to upload the little bit of a longer clip, including the moment of your death in this scenario please.

Thank you.
Hi Hank, Sorry, I unfortunately only have this and the part of me dying, it's about a minute or so after my provided evidence here, I've deleted the clip once I got what I needed, however, If you still need the other cut of me dying (it doesn't really show anything) I will gladly upload it as well.
I would like to state however that i did not die to the individual in the Issi Sport but the fact still remains that exploiting as occurred at least in my opinion considering all the evidence provided included the clips of us testing this same situation and opening the ticket with the details and showcasing it.
Hi @Bmav

I appreciate your honesty in this situation here, and if you didn't die to this Issi then we don't need to see the clip of you dying, we're just struggling to identify the person in the Issi.

Thank you again.
Hi @Bmav

I appreciate your honesty in this situation here, and if you didn't die to this Issi then we don't need to see the clip of you dying, we're just struggling to identify the person in the Issi.

Thank you again.
I got this https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2dUwtJ1cbwL_oW/d1337c0Y9aWD?invite=cr-MSx1S3gsMjExNjQ4MTM2LA a grove member got injured by the guy in the issi so i am hoping that this can help confirm the identity. (the name of the grove that got downed is Joshua Rayner)

After quite a bit of investigation, I do believe you are the reported party here, would you be able to give us a run down on your side of things please?
Apologies I have just seen this report against me. as I havent been on the forums in the while and I have been very busy, I will post a reply soon
I wasn't asked into liaison or have my POV requested so didn't clip these interactions. I drove up the hill to try and get a shot on you but ended up falling back down. There were a lot of people in this area during this fight and desync is a common issue and so you're not always where you appear on other people's screens, I drove forward and up the hill a little bit so that I could get an angle and had a clear shot on you where I drove off afterward. I don't use 3rd person in fights and this one was no different.
I'll be typing up a response to this report at some point this weekend... Getting this dealt with.
Well, Hello both @Bmav and @Benzilini

I understand that this report may be being watched by many people on both sides, so I'm going to try and explain points to the best of my ability, I'd also like to state to anyone reading this, that this is the decision the Staff Team, Staff Leads and Management have come to and any tickets opened in Discord looking for this to be reviewed will just be closed.

I'm not going to lie, this report has taken up, hours, literally hours, of staff time, discussions and back and forths, I'm going to get down to the nitty gritty first, this report today, is going to be DENIED.

The pair of you are going to face no action, but I advise everyone to read what I'm going to put below and learn from it, and by everyone, I don't just mean reporter/reportee, I mean everyone reading this.

I'll start off by going over reporting rules and conduct,

  • A Player Report has to be posted within a 24 hour time limit after the situation has occurred.
Bmav, you were killed at 22:00 on 18th May 2024 after this incident took place, the report was placed on the forums on 19th May 2024 at 22:50, granted, this is only 50 minutes but its still outside of our 24 hour window.

  • Any clips must include 3-5 minutes of unedited footage before the alleged rule break occurs
    • The only exception to clip-length requirement above is in cases of indisputable evidence of a blatant rule break.
This clip is a grand total of 11 seconds long, far too short for us to get a whole feeling for the situation, a context or to just see what's going on, we have this rule for a reason, even though you may think that this is indisputable evidence of a blatant rule break, its not, its just simply not as straight forward as its been made out to look, if it was.

  • I would appreciate to see their POV and diminish any doubts
This just won't fly in reports, as a player, you don't get to decide what evidence and videos are requested in the report, staff will decide if it is needed to be seen and request it as appropriate.

  • you haven't been able to resolve the issue.
As it always has been, liaisons are not mandatory but are always encouraged, if footage is wanted to be watched by either party, this should be done in liaison where the other party has a chance to save their footage and present it. This also gives both parties a chance to understand one another and take on board their point of view before a report is issued and reviewed, you never know, a mutual understanding may have came from this.

I'll now move onto the footage itself,

Bmav, I can see that you're running around in circles in open view of people who are trying to kill you, this makes no logical sense and I'm sure you'd want to value your life and not be shot, why aren't you being more tactical about this? Surely that would make a little more sense. I also notice that you do attempt a glitch roll here, pointing your gun and going straight for the roll, you may try and convince yourself that, that isn't what you were trying to do, but it certainly looks like it.

As for shooting a car, why? Again thats just silly, you yourself know that you have no chance of being able to hit the occupant, yet you do it anyways? I go back to what I was saying above about being more tactical, or are people really this desperate to try and get a 'W' these days instead of trying to have extended RP situations.

This may seem all very one sided towards Bmav, but @Benzilini you're not going to get away too easily from this one, you have attempted to ram a car, bonnet first up a steep cliff in the hope that you're going to get it to go up so you can either get a good angle on another player or run them over. Really? Talk about GTA/Fail driving, whatever you want to call it, its just silly, that car in particular as well, it doesn't exactly scream 'Off-road'.

As for your footage, I still find it overwhelmingly strange that gangs are not keeping footage after a gun fight, I believe in the term of 'ACE' (Arse Covering Exercise) do everything you possibly can to cover your backside, you never know when you're going to need it, granted you have been warned about that now, but I expect everyone reading this report to take this on board. Record, record, record, do everything you can to cover your backside. You are both in whitelisted gangs and are long term members of this community so you should know to record everything.

Now for the claim of exploiting, we can not definitively say with 100% certainty that the person driving this car was exploiting, granted there is an extremely high chance, but we just can not say for certain which is why it will not be entertained today, as well as all the points I've given above.

Everyone needs to learn from this, everyone needs to up their game, and everyone needs to try and work together to attempt to resolve issues that arise. This is after all a Roleplay server and that is what should be coming first, not kills, not guns, not wins, just roleplay in its purest form.
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