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Report a player - Unknown Cutlass Memeber - GTA RP

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Johnny Riggs

New member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Johnny Riggs

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown Cutlass Memeber

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/22/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2300

What best describes this incident ?: C2.2 Exploiting - in this case using draw distance to make doors disappear in order to be able to shoot through them.

Please (in detail) describe the incident: At the start of the video I attached to the report you can see that I was sitting in a spot at the end of the corridor in the ranch and out of nowhere shots start firing and I end up being downed.
At the time I had no idea what had happened as no doors had been shot open and after talking with some other members of Coalition it was said that this sort of thing had happened before during the Vagos War where they were using this type of exploit to see through doors and shoot people.

We found the clips from the old Vagos war that can be seen at the end of the video attached and this looked to be exactly what has happened to me.

Me and June then went to the ranch to try and remake the scenario and you can see during the video we managed to remake the same set of events that made the doors of the ranch disappear when viewed from this very specific angle.
The worst of this for me is that they are positioning themselves to where they can un-render the doors to be able to see straight through the house and shoot.

We also requested that the person who killed Riggs could clip the kill so we could see their POV but didn't hear anything back in OOC.

I don't know if any action was taken against people that have done this in the past but it just feels convenient that people that were connected with the vagos that used to do this sort of thing back in the day are now in cutlass and we are now seeing this strategy resurface having not seen it used by anyone since.

Thank you

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

My POV - https://streamable.com/iyxon7

Afternoon JD here, 
I was not exploiting as seen in my clip. I've seen and been communicated that people are sitting in that room so I decided to blind fire. Shockingly a few shots hit and I managed to down you. You place concrete barricades on top of plastic tables to barricade yourselves inside the ranch and the rest of the windows are bulletproof. In this case, a bullet was able to hit somebody. Apologise for my bullets hitting you at such force it was a .50 cal Desert Eagle. 

"the .50 AE is one of the most powerful pistol cartridges in production."

I believe you to be breaching the (G2.3) & (G3.1) Rules because you are not Roleplaying whilst discussing what happened here but using Discord (0.43 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xliEA6o0z-o) to influence Roleplay. Did you get Admin authorisation?

Just want to chime in here on your last point seeing as its me in the video and the one that made the video. 

This was recorded around 3pm today in an effort to try and find out what happened, therefore yes I did use discord to tell Riggs to go walk around a little so I could check the angle and the distance at which doors disappear. 
If admins want to punish me for this I will happily take it on the chin and use it a learning experience and not do it again going forward but in saying that I want to make clear that this has not directly effected anyone's roleplay. Should it be decided that punishment is needed here I am solely responsible as I was the one investigating. 
I was not around for the situation that took place last night, with my knowledge of the mechanics of the game I decided I would try and replicate what was suspected to be a rule break and based on the evidence I found I believe this still to be the case. 

On the back of this, I also want to note a discrepancy in the JD clip compared to our POVs that I think admins should take in to account and that is that the pattern of the shooting from one PoV to the next is off. 
In JD's clip he has fired quite rapidly with a total of 17 (9 shots, reload and 7 shots)
In Derek's clip (16 seconds in to original youtube video) we have 1 shot, a delay and then more 2 bursts with totalling 8 shots
Whilst taking in to account possible desync I find it possible JDs clip could be another salvo from another time indicating this is not the first time the "strat" has been attempted. Not sure if JD could give a time stamp for his video and im sure staff can check this against the kill logs whilst investigating the allegations. 
I have also added a clip of all 3 POVs to make this easier as well as listing the separate clips the other POVs

For further reference;

What? (clipchamp.com) - Derek's Clip
Untitled - Clipped with Medal.tv - Rigg's Clip
(13) 3 POVs - YouTube - 3 POVs

I'm not sure why this is reported, or if I'm stupid but looking at this clip 

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@Paul Abdeenis shooting at the window nearby and in his footage provided hes just shooting at the ranch? I've zoomed in on Pauls clip and I don't see anything standing out, such as a floating body because the wall has disappeared..

I will admit the clip of Jack McKenzie from back in the day being blasted through the wall is absurd but that was from a time of Old Vagos who are no longer here..

No Action Taken ~ Not enough evidence

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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