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Report a Player - Windo and Pablo Shiskabab - RDM (Action Taken)

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Vicky Smith

Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Your In-game name

Vicky Smith

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Windo and Pablo Shiskabab

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Pulled upto Stadium fuel as was being robbed. we were first units to arrive and upon arrival we pulled infront of there vehicle, where Windo was running behind to be shot and killed straight away without initiation.

Asked Windo to join TS after but said he didnt have TS then denied the fact he RDMD

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Before we can go anywhere with this could you please upload at least 5 minutes so we can confirm nothing lead up to this.

Before we can go anywhere with this could you please upload at least 5 minutes so we can confirm nothing lead up to this.
Yes sure. It was just 5 minutes of patrolling before this incident then I stopped recording just after it happened 

Yes sure. It was just 5 minutes of patrolling before this incident then I stopped recording just after it happened 
Even though it may have just been patrolling, we still need that video to proceed with this report. While we wait for the video, I can see that you said yes to that you tried to resolve. In what way did you try and how did that go?

I was the other officer in the car: obviously as police cannot use side chat we had to // them through in game texting as they were not in ts. They never replied to any of the messages after 3 had been sent. about half an hour/45 mins later we had an incident with them and had to take them to the jail. it was at the jail where we gave them the last option to come to ts using the // direct coms and they still never replied. I me and cammy felt that they did not want to resolve so the report was filed.

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This is a clear case of RDM from someone who has most likely failed to read our rules themselves or is here just to break them, either way this player "windo" will be banned for RDM. On the point of the other one "Pablo" as the video does not show him do anything I cannot make any action against him but if you have further evidence that proves he also was involved in RDMing then you may PM me the video and I will review and assuming accepted placed here for reference and actioned upon as well.

Windo - Action Taken (2.2)

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