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Reporting 7 [TI] Members for RDM (Rejected)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
[TI] Birchieboy
[TI] Andrej
[TI] PaPaDear
[TI] Broholm [P]
[TI] PaulS
[TI] Charlie Brown  
[TI] Chris [P]
Time & Date this happened:
14:36 CET 22-12-2014
Description of what happened:
I was driving with my offroad and suddenly i hear shots hitting my car, I figured that it might have come from the helicopter behind me. I stopped and said they had to stop RDM'ing. Then I went back in my car and heard another shot. I killed 6 but the 7th took me down.
They started following me when i passed the handgun shop, then i heard 1 shot so i started recording, then another so i stopped.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
 I asked them why they'd RDM me. They said it wasnt a RDM they said they wanted to shoot out my tires.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

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They cannot kill you from that helicopter, and you were inside a car. So i see absolutely no reason why they would even try that. Most likely they tried shooting your tires to rob you etc - but you opened fire on them before that. Also starskys' point.

They cannot kill you from that helicopter, and you were inside a car. So i see absolutely no reason why they would even try that. Most likely they tried shooting your tires to rob you etc - but you opened fire on them before that. Also starskys' point.
I opened fire after they shot at me, + shooting out tires without saying anything is really poor roleplay.

We are allowed to shoot warning shots at you so you stopped, we went to land to talk to you. You then drove off again so we went for the tires to immobilize you so we can talk to you however you sprayed us all down. If we wanted just to kill you we would of sprayed into your car with our zafirs this report is ridiculous and a waste of time. You say we RDM'd you however you did not die until you killed many of us. I cant believe you would try and wastes admins time with this. As you can see from the video the shots were at least a meter behind the vehicle. I would also like to ask you why you broke roleplay and shouted in game ' Stop RDMing'.

We are allowed to shoot warning shots at you so you stopped, we went to land to talk to you. You then drove off again so we went for the tires to immobilize you so we can talk to you however you sprayed us all down. If we wanted just to kill you we would of sprayed into your car with our zafirs this report is ridiculous and a waste of time. You say we RDM'd you however you did not die until you killed many of us. I cant believe you would try and wastes admins time with this. As you can see from the video the shots were at least a meter behind the vehicle. I would also like to ask you why you broke roleplay and shouted in game ' Stop RDMing'.
Shooting someone tires out is wanting to talk to them now? o_O

We are allowed to shoot warning shots at you so you stopped, we went to land to talk to you. You then drove off again so we went for the tires to immobilize you so we can talk to you however you sprayed us all down. If we wanted just to kill you we would of sprayed into your car with our zafirs this report is ridiculous and a waste of time. You say we RDM'd you however you did not die until you killed many of us. I cant believe you would try and wastes admins time with this. As you can see from the video the shots were at least a meter behind the vehicle. I would also like to ask you why you broke roleplay and shouted in game ' Stop RDMing'.
I can see why you are angry, but i once fired random warning shots to police officers including DI Fuel and 3 mins after that he came to talk to me how it was against the rules/ really poor RP.

You cannot randomly fire "Warning shots" at a random car. I asked you guys to go away, you didn't. If you wanted to talk to me, why not land in front of me and ask me if i can stop the car, that'd be much better.

We are allowed to shoot warning shots at you so you stopped, we went to land to talk to you. You then drove off again so we went for the tires to immobilize you so we can talk to you however you sprayed us all down. If we wanted just to kill you we would of sprayed into your car with our zafirs this report is ridiculous and a waste of time. You say we RDM'd you however you did not die until you killed many of us. I cant believe you would try and wastes admins time with this. As you can see from the video the shots were at least a meter behind the vehicle. I would also like to ask you why you broke roleplay and shouted in game ' Stop RDMing'.
I can see why you are angry, but i once fired random warning shots to police officers including DI Fuel and 3 mins after that he came to talk to me how it was against the rules/ really poor RP.

You cannot randomly fire "Warning shots" at a random car. I asked you guys to go away, you didn't. If you wanted to talk to me, why not land in front of me and ask me if i can stop the car, that'd be much better.

I am not angry at all i find it funny we all died i just see no need for a report. we lost a l east 3 mil then.

So let me get this straight (I was the pilot by the way), you warn us off via direct chat, as you say in your own video. You then receive warning shots from someone in the heli and at that point you open fire killing 6 of us and then one of the survivors opens fire killing you.

At what point would you say that's RDM?

Seeing as though RDM is killing without RP and you warned us via direct and we fired warning shots at you, would you also be reporting yourself at this point?

Well the point that you start shooting without saying a thing is rdm (Random Deathmatch) you are not allowed to open fire without saying a word 

So let me get this straight (I was the pilot by the way), you warn us off via direct chat, as you say in your own video. You then receive warning shots from someone in the heli and at that point you open fire killing 6 of us and then one of the survivors opens fire killing you.

At what point would you say that's RDM?

Seeing as though RDM is killing without RP and you warned us via direct and we fired warning shots at you, would you also be reporting yourself at this point?
Technically I don't know why you are firing warning shots, because that is the instigation to the situation, he is now threatened and has every right to kill all of you in that chopper because you have technically opened fire. Birchieboy is saying that it was to get him to stop and talk but that is just really shoddy role play from you guys; who fires at someone to get them to talk to you when the dude potentially poses no threat?

Infact, I don't see why the guy is reporting himself. He clearly could of opened fire while you were further in the air and killed most of you and got away, instead he was patient and neutral until you shot again and then started to land; which can be counted as a hostile situation to the player (six/seven players in a chopper all ready to land and potentially kill you).

So let me get this straight (I was the pilot by the way), you warn us off via direct chat, as you say in your own video. You then receive warning shots from someone in the heli and at that point you open fire killing 6 of us and then one of the survivors opens fire killing you.

At what point would you say that's RDM?

Seeing as though RDM is killing without RP and you warned us via direct and we fired warning shots at you, would you also be reporting yourself at this point?
First of all,

You cannot fire warning shots (It's in the rules i believe)

Second of all, if I would've considered those shots as warning shots, then what is this bullet doing above my head?


Why would i not kill you if you are shooting at my car for no exact reason?

I imagine that stray round is a function of firing rounds out of the side of a helicopter. As has been said earlier in the thread, bullets from a gun fired from a heli won't harm you, they'll simply damage the vehicle. As for the rest of the rounds they are clearly aimed at the back of your vehicle as a warning, it's difficult to engage in dialogue from a heli.

Next as the rules stipulate:

Rule 5: Rest of Altis

RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.

Again, these rounds wouldn't have harmed you, they'd simply disable your vehicle, but these weren't even aimed at your vehicle. We are very clearly beginning a landing at the time you open fire. Also I'm not sure how you're reporting all 7 of us for RDM even if it could be construed as RDM as only one of us is firing - I'm not in a position to identify that person so I'm not sure how you are either.

Technically I don't know why you are firing warning shots, because that is the instigation to the situation, he is now threatened and has every right to kill all of you in that chopper because you have technically opened fire. Birchieboy is saying that it was to get him to stop and talk but that is just really shoddy role play from you guys; who fires at someone to get them to talk to you when the dude potentially poses no threat?

Infact, I don't see why the guy is reporting himself. He clearly could of opened fire while you were further in the air and killed most of you and got away, instead he was patient and neutral until you shot again and then started to land; which can be counted as a hostile situation to the player (six/seven players in a chopper all ready to land and potentially kill you).
But if as you say, he killed us legitimately - which I believe is the case (I have zero issue to dying from this I'd like to add) - they why on earth is he reporting us for RDM if he killed us first before dying? Surely if he killed us first and we've RDM'd him, then by that logic he's RDM'd us.

I say we leave it at this until admins look at it. However if you were truly upset about the situation how comes you have time to add a kill counter in the top left shouldn't you of just reported it straight away?

Well the fact that you open fire at him will make you look hostille towards him and even if you say it where warning shots for him it may seem like a rdm

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