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Reporting 7 [TI] Members for RDM (Rejected)

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I say we leave it at this until admins look at it. However if you were truly upset about the situation how comes you have time to add a kill counter in the top leftshouldn't you of just reported it straight away?
What does that matter?

Speed of the report doesn't matter right?

And besides, I like to edit my footage a bit.

Can you not imagine that randomly shooting at someone is terrible RP / maybe even against the rules?

Like i said: http://gyazo.com/cb9...789b97da94bba06 this shot didnt look like a warning shot.

What did you guys want from me anyways?

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Far from RDM id say, they shot out your tyres to stop you as u tried to flee, you used direct chat = fail RP, you then opened fired without yourself engaging in any rp, you havent even let them land, how are they meant to engage in roleplay if you shoot them before they even touch down, if anything id report yourself buddy.

have you even read the rules ones its most deffinitly poor RP from there side but we will see what the admins will say in the end they decide

Far from RDM id say, they shot out your tyres to stop you as u tried to flee, you used direct chat = fail RP, you then opened fired without yourself engaging in any rp, you havent even let them land, how are they meant to engage in roleplay if you shoot them before they even touch down, if anything id report yourself buddy.
I hope you do know that shooting for no exact reason (Warning shots) are not allowed, i tried to talk to them using direct (How else) and then they shot at me again.

Warning shots are allowed, as there warnings :) if thats the case, thered be 20 millions cops up here daily for warning shots at choppers, christ if your driving to a drug dealer im at id give warning shots, if the straight up killed you it would be RDM, they never, you killed them first, shooting out tyres is allowed.

Just to be clear, you do realise that shooting from a helicopter cannot kill you right? It's effected by the VDM script and any bullets that did hit you would ironically heal you to 100%

Just to be clear, you do realise that shooting from a helicopter cannot kill you right? It's effected by the VDM script and any bullets that did hit you would ironically heal you to 100%
No i didn't know that,

And how should i know that you are firing warning shots? It could be shoot to kill.

+ shooting someone out of his car to get him down on the ground is also very bad roleplay.

No i didn't know that,

And how should i know that you are firing warning shots? It could be shoot to kill.

+ shooting someone out of his car to get him down on the ground is also very bad roleplay.
Well the fact remains that they do not kill.

We have knowledge of that and that is why we fire from the helicopter as we know that the bullets cannot in fact kill you, and based purely on this fact, I can't see how you can accuse us of RDM as it's impossible to RDM you in the context you've reported us for.

Warning shots are allowed, as there warnings :) if thats the case, thered be 20 millions cops up here daily for warning shots at choppers, christ if your driving to a drug dealer im at id give warning shots, if the straight up killed you it would be RDM, they never, you killed them first, shooting out tyres is allowed.
Except they are not allowed, especially when there is practically no reason to be shooting at him, he poses no threat, birchie made his point clear about shooting at his tires, saying he wanted to 'talk' but that is not the way you talk. And anyway, police officers have a direct reason to be shooting warning shots at helicopters, because they are in a no fly zone which you should clearly know is a police rule on the server.

I belive this post is pathetic and everyone uses warning shots and disables tyres we had a perfectly good rp reason we were taking control of the main road and taxing everyone that used it. If you read our gang post we are their to destroy what the government have built on altis. We were landing to ask him to pay his taxes when we got gunned down. I belive rdm is Random Death Match this is where somone KILLS somome without RP. You did not die so ir was not rdm.

And also officers although your opinion is greatly appriciated there is no need for you to post here thank you.

What birchie says, no where in the rules does it state, you can not shoot someones tyres out to stop them, he got out his car aimed his gun at the chopper, which to me id of taken as an immediate threat, as they start to land he trys to drive off, they shoot his tyres not damaging him at all, before they even land there dead. If shooting of tyres is not aloud or warning shots are not aloud link me to the rule that states such.

This is my last post before I get a spanking by Birchie:

None of the shots hit his vehicle, they were all aimed at the back of his vehicle. You can see from the video his vehicle has received no damage before he gets out and sprays us down.

On top of that I can't see any rule forbidding warning shots. In the context of a helicopter assault (no chance to use direct voice chat due to rotor noise) and the shots from a helicopter posing no lethal risk, I wonder how one is supposed to ask someone to stop in such a scenario?

As stated before, we were landing to engage in RP (a taxation/robbing scenario), but were denied this by being shot as we approached (again, this is a risk we undertook and obviously we lost in this encounter and we take that on the chin).

Taking all this into account, where is the RDM here according to the spirit of the rules? We couldn't kill him from the chopper, he told us not to approach (this is engaging RP), we fired warning shots (this is engaging RP in the only viable way from a chopper), we landed and 6 of us died before we managed to return fire on him.

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harpo why would it be classified as random DEATH match then instead of random shooting match.

just like to add not sure why the title of the video has #rekt as you sprayed them with a zafir as they was going to land. right clicking in a general direction is not skill.

Jamie be careful he might spray 8 armed police officers down if they are standing still in a line. Anyway please can no one post any more ive told my men not to as its just making admins job harder.

just like to add not sure why the title of the video has #rekt as you sprayed them with a zafir as they was going to land. right clicking in a general direction is not skill.
I'm not talking about skill, i think its just not smart to fly next to someone with a gun.

I'm not talking about skill, i think its just not smart to fly next to someone with a gun.
Since i was the shooter with the LMG i will explain what happened,would apreciate if the admins read this.

Basicaly we were 7 people online + we got 2 more recruits. We wanted to do a bank job,but there was only 8 cops online. So we decided to start robing/taxing people untill 10 cops would be online. 

As you see on the video,we stopped next to you (which should give you the same idea as if we landed infront of you), and when you got out of the truck,we were going to land. You tried to drive away,so i shoot about 4-5 bullets to the back of your car,which you can see in the video. If i wanted to,i could have sprayed out your engine,but i didnt. Thats when you jumped out and killed us.

You started talking about RDM which broke RP. Minute later,you also started teasing us in the side chat,how you are going to upload a video on the forum of you "reking" us,which someone should even have a screen of i believe. 

If i wanted to,i could have took out your engine,but i didnt. We tried to land to RP but instead you killed us all when we couldnt even shoot back. 

What we did was bad RP ,what you did is piss poor RP, maybe even classed as RDM. Everyone who is 8v1 would drop his gun and surrender in real life,but you just went on like rambo which isnt RP.

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