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Revert old change to police rear headlights

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Staff Team
Staff Team
Hiya, this is a tad hard to explain, so bare with.

Brief Summary: Change the way the rear headlights work on police cars when initiating police lights and sirens.

Detailed Suggestion: Previously, a while back, you used to be able to press ‘E’ which would stop the rear headlights from flashing red (the actual headlights, not the police lights on top of the car). What this would do is stop local cars from trying to move out of your way but really almost all the time end up IN your way. So basically, the cars just wouldn’t be affected by your lights. I believe this feature was taken away when the rear reds were introduced.

The Pros: Less high speed car crashes caused by NPC’s moving in and out your way. A lot easier to actually drive when responding to incidents.

The Cons: Can’t think of any immediate cons, maybe just the work from the devs it would require.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?I don’t believe so.

Rear lights, rear headlights. Same thing..

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