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Richards (TS Unbanned 14/05/15)

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[SIZE=18pt]Your In-game name: Richards[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:0:53922197[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):76561198068110122[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Date & Time you was banned: Unknown[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Please copy and paste the rule you broke:  “TROLLING”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I’m going to dead honest here the last time joined your TS server was when i reported to your police force to Voltz and told him his police application form and been robbed by an ex PTO and used on other server recently the community I played on was disbanded and in was interested in join this one as I tried to join the ts server i was greeted with this http://prntscr.com/72xtz9i was really surprised and have no idea of even a time frame of this ... i have no recantation of any trolling events on your teamspeak server. I fell like is should be unbanned because of what i did for the server and to try and make the community a better place [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18pt]If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: N/a[/SIZE]

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@Neo can you take a look at this one for me please as I dont have access to the TS logs.

Actually your second Teamspeak ban.

Your first ban was by: John Joe Eegan on 20/03/15 for Trolling 

Your latest was by ArrogantBread on 09/05/15 for "trolling".

I'll need to speak to them to find out why.

I honestly have no recantation of any trolling I have ever done on your community or ever think of any reason why I would. If the two member in question could please give me a quick description of events I would really appreciate it

Thanks Richards 

Edit : 20/03/15 for Trolling was about the time i came on the server to report your police interview template as missing .... Again no idea what trolling i did . ( @DI Voltz can bear witness to the interview template )

        09/05/15 for "trolling" This was just there last week when i join your ts as the community i was on shut down and was interested in joining yours. I not a bad guy and if i ever did to any trolling im osrry but i stand by my original statment i have no recantation of any trolling events 

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Just be patient and await the answer of the people tagged above. If it turns out you have in fact been trolling then the ban will be perm as you have blatantly lied to us.

I have checked the mentor database. And found only one person i banned that day which connected under the name - "Piko" And he was banned for "Being Racist and Trolling - Disrespectful" @Vladic Ka Thats all the notes i have on the database for that day.

I have never gone under the name Piko ever ...... Does that mean there were no noted written down for my ban ?

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It means that either you are Piko ( @Neo can check) @JohnJoeegan did not write down the ban reason in the mentor DB. It does still come up that you were banned by @JohnJoeegan on that date for trolling in the TS logs. @ArrogantBread 's ban wasnt that long ago so he should remember and can shed more light on the situation when he comments.

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Thats the only person i banned that day, and it is quite fishy that you have been banned twice for the same thing. Righto @Vladic Ka thats all i have got i can check my personal loggs when i get home from work if you wish? anything else give me a shout!

@JohnJoeegan Appreciate the  help i don't mean to disturb you at work i really just want to get to the bottom of this ..... Yes i understand it dosnt look good for me but i have no knowledge of ever trolling on your servers  

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I recognise the name, but I don't recall banning him.

Also this post was created on the 8th, @Neo you said I banned him on the 9th?

Sorry I cant be more help here. I really don't recall banning him. 

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I've checked through IP logs... and names, and mentor database. In this instance there is not enough evidence to stick this ban to a wall, unfortunately those involved have no memory of banning you.. in this instance.

I'll accept the un-ban request, but if it is discovered you do come back and "troll", the ban will remain permanent. 


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