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[RM] Crysis [RM] Dwayne Johnson Combatlog

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):

[RM] Crysis & [RM] Dwayne Johnson

Time & Date this happened:

18.04. around 06:00 gmt

Which Server did this happen on:


Description of what happened:

Was gearing up in athira after beeing in prison, when 2 hobos came around the corner and stole my sports hatchback. I got into it and offered to buy them another car to get this over with, which they unfortunately refused.

I dont know how, but somehow they manage to fuck it up after not even 30 seconds.

Realizing talking is of no avail, I get out and lock them in, calling the cops and running to the police station to find someone to take care of them and return my property to me.

What follows is both of them logging out.

What Rule Was Broken ?:

2E)[SIZE=medium] Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal*)[/SIZE]
/ 3i

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:

Yes, but of no avail. Players insisted I was breaking rules and having bad rp instead of sucking up their unhappy little adventure and waiting for the police to take care of them.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
[RM] Crysis at the very end, but story before:

[RM] Dwayne Johnson:

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We did that because you locked us in a broken car and left without saying a word. We pulled up to you multiple times to ask if you could unlock it but you can't really hear direct chat well from vehicles. It seemed to us that you were just going about buying your stuff and running to the garage to get another car and leave us there. There wasn't really any attempt to roleplay and we didn't know you had called the cops. Also it's not very realistic for someone to be locked INSIDE a car and is an unfixable flaw with the locking system in the first place.

Edit: We didn't want to talk to you any longer as you were fairly disrespectful in sidechat and the conversation wasn't really going anywhere so we stopped responding. Besides if a police officer did arrive we would have told a falsified story and most likely gotten a small ticket or none at all, we weren't trying to avoid an RP situation so much as unstuck our characters.

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We did that because you locked us in a broken car and left without saying a word. We pulled up to you multiple times to ask if you could unlock it but you can't really hear direct chat well from vehicles. It seemed to us that you were just going about buying your stuff and running to the garage to get another car and leave us there. There wasn't really any attempt to roleplay and we didn't know you had called the cops. Also it's not very realistic for someone to be locked INSIDE a car and is an unfixable flaw with the locking system in the first place.

Edit: We didn't want to talk to you any longer as you were fairly disrespectful in sidechat and the conversation wasn't really going anywhere so we stopped responding. Besides if a police officer did arrive we would have told a falsified story and most likely gotten a small ticket or none at all, we weren't trying to avoid an RP situation so much as unstuck our characters.
I asked you kindly to come to ts, but you guys kept babbling all kind of nonsense in side.

I want to remember you that I didnt ask you guys to get into my vehicle and that it was you who broke the car. If you expect me to play along in your grand theft auto, you should aswell accept beeing arrested when failing miserably. I tried to negotiate with you, it was refused insolently, what else is there to say.

The rest was the job of the police and some 2030 cartech.

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His recordings are cut really short for this 10min incident.  It is very clear on my side of the video if Crysis has a better recording than I doI use voice, and type a few times, that he makes it a point to avoid us and say nothing the whole time which like Crysis said, led us to believe "you were just going about buying your stuff and running to the garage to get another car and leave us there."  I've got a recording of this incident also, and would be glad to post it, but I feel as if mine would be worthless, as you can't hear me speaking in it which I have to look into why my recording software is doing so.  I'm planning on finding screenshots to take within the video to prove I'm trying to keep in contact with him as he runs past the car ignoring we even exist.  If anyone would like I'd be happy to upload my side even though you can't hear me.

I've got three points to make also while I'm at it:

One being I'm not sure how it is possible to lock someone in a car in any situation in real life.

Also, how were we supposed to know he was running to the police station if he locked us in, continued to run across the street back and forth getting supplies, then run toward what we immediately guessed would be the garage?  We assumed he quit rp'ing when he stopped talking to us in the first place.

My third point is, and this is just nit-picking, but why would he run to pd when it is the police's specific job to respond to calls like this? This point adds to our confusion about his point that he wasn't going to the garage, but in fact the police department.  I stated in ooc, before he started finding creative ways to call us idiots that this could have been avoided if he would have said something to us, but he said nothing the whole time, and Crysis and I both came to the conclusion after following NTesla around for what felt like 7 minutes that he didn't want to continue this situation, and that he decided to cut his losses and just lock us in to leave us to figure out the rest.

Also, Crysis says "It wasn't about avoiding the ticket as much as trying to unstuck our characters" because by the lack of response from you we figured the roleplaying was done from the start, and we didn't want to wait around for what we found inevitable which was you pulling out another car, and driving away leaving us in the broken hatchback.

Edit: If I had known of your intentions more than half a second before I re spawned I would have not done so.  I assumed that even as you told us in side, it was just a bs excuse which I've been given before in different (not-so-alike situations), and I've learned to just ignore most claims made in side.

Also, I find it funny how you are nitpicking about our lack of RP skills, and yet in your own video you've got VON turned all the way off and you have to manually turn it up.  I don't see any point in playing a RP server with VON off in any scenario if your intent is solely role-play.  Also, you keep saying you're not disrespectful, and by simply reading the posts you've made anyone can tell your choice of descriptive words for Crysis, and I are nothing but disrespectful.  If it isn't made obvious here, I'd be more than happy to spend a few minutes pulling screenshots from this post as well as side-chat from the game.

Edit:  I'm not bringing up the lack of respect for other players as an example of why we respawned, because I've stated if I had known for sure more than half of a second before I respawned of your intentions, and been informed sooner I would have stayed.  My point is I have learned when people begin calling others names in any situation on RP servers such as these, people usually begin to lie about the situation at hand which is why I didn't feel I needed to waste my time in TS just to end up here anyway.  I feel as if this whole thing could have been avoided if you had replied to my asking you to unlock the vehicle so I could get out with either unlocking the car, or explain what your intentions were because we've both misconstrued what you thought to be obvious.

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His recordings are cut really short for this 10min incident.  It is very clear on my side of the video if Crysis has a better recording than I doI use voice, and type a few times, that he makes it a point to avoid us and say nothing the whole time which like Crysis said, led us to believe "you were just going about buying your stuff and running to the garage to get another car and leave us there."  I've got a recording of this incident also, and would be glad to post it, but I feel as if mine would be worthless, as you can't hear me speaking in it which I have to look into why my recording software is doing so.  I'm planning on finding screenshots to take within the video to prove I'm trying to keep in contact with him as he runs past the car ignoring we even exist.  If anyone would like I'd be happy to upload my side even though you can't hear me.

I've got three points to make also while I'm at it:

One being I'm not sure how it is possible to lock someone in a car in any situation in real life.

Also, how were we supposed to know he was running to the police station if he locked us in, continued to run across the street back and forth getting supplies, then run toward what we immediately guessed would be the garage?  We assumed he quit rp'ing when he stopped talking to us in the first place.

My third point is, and this is just nit-picking, but why would he run to pd when it is the police's specific job to respond to calls like this? This point adds to our confusion about his point that he wasn't going to the garage, but in fact the police department.  I stated in ooc, before he started finding creative ways to call us idiots that this could have been avoided if he would have said something to us, but he said nothing the whole time, and Crysis and I both came to the conclusion after following NTesla around for what felt like 7 minutes that he didn't want to continue this situation, and that he decided to cut his losses and just lock us in to leave us to figure out the rest.

Also, Crysis says "It wasn't about avoiding the ticket as much as trying to unstuck our characters" because by the lack of response from you we figured the roleplaying was done from the start, and we didn't want to wait around for what we found inevitable which was you pulling out another car, and driving away leaving us in the broken hatchback.
How can you say I didnt rp and that it took 10 minutes? Why lie in half ur post? It was Max 4-5 minutes, about 1 min after your friend logged I made another shoadowplay cut to catch your logout too.

You can clearly see me rp in the video up until the point where you refuse negotioations. Everything was said, if I let you out it would be a dumb thing to do, endangering my life and risking that hobos drive off with my vehicle to crush it, which sadly is very common with the new central chop shop.

How you were supposed to know I ran to the poIice station? Umm well maybe because I ran into the direction of it? I also ran up to you in the second video after your friend turned into air to tell you about incomming cops, but you didnt give a fuck and just logged too.

So your plan about posting screens of me not keeping contact is void. How much of my time would you have wasted with your "trolol we dont need ya money"-theft/abduction, so why cant you wait at least 5 minutes to let the cops get you out of my car? The biter gets bitten, you cant just take the easy way out im afraid.

You can not expect me to stop my shopping just because you brought yourself into this situation, also you could have followed me at least to the police station to check for some cops, but you escaped arrest 100m infront of it. If anyone was to belive your story, you should have followed me to the garage and see me drive off, which was never my plan.

I also find it funny how you say I flamed you to make yourselfes look better. I asked you to come to ts, why didnt you? Why talk in side and begin beeing toxic with saying things like I didnt RP and im breaking rules? Could have been solved so easily if you didnt choose to behave like brats. Basically all I wanted to hear was a sorry for your logout, because you guys took away a very delightful rp possibility from me, the handing in of you to the police. But all I read are some weird accusations which lead me to believe you didnt learn anything and never wanted to solve it in an adult manner.

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How can you say I didnt rp and that it took 10 minutes? Why lie in half ur post? It was Max 4-5 minutes, about 1 min after your friend logged I made another shoadowplay cut to catch your logout too.

You can clearly see me rp in the video up until the point where you refuse negotioations. Everything was said, if I let you out it would be a dumb thing to do, endangering my life and risking that hobos drive off with my vehicle to crush it, which sadly is very common with the new central chop shop.

How you were supposed to know I ran to the poIice station? Umm well maybe because I ran into the direction of it? I also ran up to you in the second video after your friend turned into air to tell you about incomming cops, but you didnt give a fuck and just logged too.

So your plan about posting screens of me not keeping contact is void. How much of my time would you have wasted with your "trolol we dont need ya money"-theft/abduction, so why cant you wait at least 5 minutes to let the cops get you out of my car? The biter gets bitten, you cant just take the easy way out im afraid.

You can not expect me to stop my shopping just because you brought yourself into this situation, also you could have followed me at least to the police station to check for some cops, but you escaped arrest 100m infront of it. If anyone was to belive your story, you should have followed me to the garage and see me drive off, which was never my plan.

I also find it funny how you say I flamed you to make yourselfes look better. I asked you to come to ts, why didnt you? Why talk in side and begin beeing toxic with saying things like I didnt RP and im breaking rules? Could have been solved so easily if you didnt choose to behave like brats. Basically all I wanted to hear is a sorry for your logout, because you guys took away a very delightful rp possibity from me, the handing in of you to the police. But all I read are some weird accusations which lead me to believe you didnt learn anything and never wanted to solve it in an adult manner.
Well the admins have logs of sidechat so if they want to see what was said by either party they can, however I think your disrespectful nature is sufficiently evidenced by your posts. I really doubt cars will be able to be locked from the outside in 2035. We never really wanted a gta situation anyway, we thought the car was abandoned and our recording reflects this. If you did tell Dwayne that police were on the way after I suicided please include a video of it as that is not what our recording shows. Also we are sorry for logging out but we are argueing because we didn't realize we were in an rp situation, the rp situation was fairly unreslistic and I suspect the result of an unintended flaw in the locking system, most likely nothing would have come of it in terms of losses or fines so we weren't trying to avoid anything persay.
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Well the admins have logs of sidechat so if they want to see what was said by either party they can, however I think your disrespectful nature is sufficiently evidenced by your posts. I really doubt cars will be able to be locked from the outside in 2035. We never really wanted a gta situation anyway, we thought the car was abandoned and our recording reflects this. If you did tell Dwayne that police were on the way after I suicided please include a video of it as that is not what our recording shows. Also we are sorry for logging out but we are argueing because we didn't realize we were in an rp situation, the rp situation was fairly unreslistic and I suspect the result of an unintended flaw in the locking system, most likely nothing would have come of it in terms of losses or fines so we weren't trying to avoid anything persay.
I dont know what you mean by "disrespectful posts", I just pointed out you fucked up and stole yoursefles out of the situation. And the toxic people in side were you.

20 years ago a lot of things have been doubtet which came to pass, why shouldnt very safe cars be possible in 2030.

If you thought the car was abdonded, why didnt u get out as soon as the owner showed up and even offered you something.

You can see me telling him about the cops in the beginning of the second video.

And yes you tried to avoid something, RP. Thats what this server is about after all.

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I dont know what you mean by "disrespectful posts", I just pointed out you fucked up and stole yoursefles out of the situation. And the toxic people in side were you.

20 years ago a lot of things have been doubtet which came to pass, why shouldnt very safe cars be possible in 2030.

If you thought the car was abdonded, why didnt u get out as soon as the owner showed up and even offered you something.

You can see me telling him about the cops in the beginning of the second video.

And yes you tried to avoid something, RP. Thats what this server is about after all.
Re read your posts and sidechat if you have the recording, you call us plenty of names and in general spoke in a condescending manner.

"babbling all kind of nonsense"

"failing miserably"

"refused insolently"

"How much of my time would you have wasted"

"Could have been solved so easily if you didnt choose to behave like brats"

"I just pointed out you fucked up"

"And the toxic people in side were you"

These are just the examples from your posts, there is plenty more in sidechat. Is this what you meant by handling it in an adult manner?

Cars that lock from the outside are not safe at all. Only police cars function like this and for a very good reason.

We thought the car was abandoned when we first got in but decided to proceed with stealing it after you showed up anyway.

He has already in the process of suiciding when you started speaking very little delay or time to react.

Like I said we didn't try to avoid rp, we thought you were going to get your gear, then your car, and leave us there.

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Re read your posts and sidechat if you have the recording, you call us plenty of names and in general spoke in a condescending manner.

"babbling all kind of nonsense"

"failing miserably"

"refused insolently"

"How much of my time would you have wasted"

"Could have been solved so easily if you didnt choose to behave like brats"

"I just pointed out you fucked up"

"And the toxic people in side were you"

These are just the examples from your posts, there is plenty more in sidechat. Is this what you meant by handling it in an adult manner?

Cars that lock from the outside are not safe at all. Only police cars function like this and for a very good reason.

We thought the car was abandoned when we first got in but decided to proceed with stealing it after you showed up anyway.

He has already in the process of suiciding when you started speaking very little delay or time to react.

Like I said we didn't try to avoid rp, we thought you were going to get your gear, then your car, and leave us there.
I am  done talking now  because you keep trying to blame me and now start complaining about my way of stating plain facts.

Also you should be honest. Its impossible you thought the car is abandoned, because I just drove up to the atm 2 seconds before, can provide footage. And how can your friend have had little time to react when he logged while I was talking to him?

Im out of this case now, admins will check and decide.

Edit to comment on socalciums edit:

My VON was turned down because someone was annoying on side chat, and you dont need VON for direct chat.

I was explaining to you what my intentions were while you decided to log. Why not keep listening and play along in the rp? I can understand you guys were very embarassed, but the way you handled the situation was wrong and your behaviour afterwards confirms to me it was the right decision to report.

If I mock you lads a little bit thats ok, you werent very nice after entering my car and in side chat either. I never called you names, litterally the only bad thing I can remember having said to you is "dont act retarded, pls".

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Denied - Cluster Fuck much - You run to buy clothing and such .. they even "followed you" with the car and you didnt even bother saying one sentence or anything .. I would have thought you would leave me in there also so yea - 20/04/15

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