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Robb. (Unbanned 21/01/2015)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name: Robb.
Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198057103737

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 8e67e811af2f79628de9a60cf19ebad3
Date & Time you was banned: 19/01/2015 - 04:43am
Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Not allowed to use your vehicle as a weapon.
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I believe I should be given a final chance because the I do not believe I intentionally broke any rules. In the first few seconds of the video shown in the report, It shows me desyncing into him(Clearly shown by the fact I am going backwards and fowards very fast) which makes the driver believe I am attempting to ram into him. If I was trying to ram him so that his truck would stop, I would crash into his wheels and easily stop him. I was clearly aware of the rule and not trying to ram him but slow him down to a complete stop. I believe I am a useful member of this community constantly engaging in serious roleplay with other members and should not be banned due to a misunderstanding. Thank you in advance for considering my appeal.

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