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Robbing gas stations


Active member
Hi, when I rob gas stations, I use the alibi- I'm testing them out as I'm a mechanic, yet on multiple times, I have been told a need to make a licence to show to the police. How would I do this and how would I show it to them



You got the ARAC headquarters and buy the license. Not sure how much it will cost. Used to be 1 million back when I got it but that's been a while.

Misread the question lol, this answer is useless =D Sorry =D

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Be creative! Make an image that resembles a license in Photoshop, Gimp or even Paint. Or create a document using Google Drive. Share the link with them (send them a message on TS if they go along with it), then depending on the quality of your product, your roleplay and other factors, you may get away with it! It is all down to your creativity. I will however tell you that "I'm testing them out as I'm a mechanic" is often heard multiple times per restart from different people - a gas station does not need to test their alarm more than once every now and then. So when you've used this roleplay background once, try to come up with something new 🙂 Freshens it up alittle.

Make Fake Documents, thats what I have awlays done & if the person in question wants any sort of RP it is always accepted.

SOUND EFFECTS! I like to use sound effects when roleplaying as it makes the roleplay 10 times better. Simply find some videoes on Youtube and make a playlist of them.
