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Roleplay Experience Points

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Idea: Add a system called roleplay experience points (or REPs, for short). These points are rewarded for roleplay which the admins deem is above average quality, and should be rewarded. Earning REPs would give access to exclusive items such as desirable clothing, unique vehicle modifications and other cosmetics.

Why should this be added?: One thing that I have picked up from another community, is that rewards incentivise good roleplay. Whilst only cosmetics rewards, they become bragging point and items to be proud of owning, visible milestones you can share with players. This serves as a way of raising the standards of some roleplay, especially ones that are often in the line of sight of staff such as faction politics and crime. If REPs had an announcement assigned to them, that maybe came up in OOC chat, then they would also be a way of putting good roleplayers in the spotlight, and might encourage other players to join in with small but high quality roleplays.

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