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Rolls-Royce Wraith Dirt Map

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS Training
Los Santos Firefighter
Forum Drive
Steam ID: 76561198272604192

Character ID: 59275

When did this happen: 06/16/23

Summary: Rolls-Royce Wraith Dirt Map

Full Description:
The Dirt map for the Wraith goes to absolute shit then goes back to normal sometimes, seems very strange.
Looks like its got creases and glitches out sometimes.

Images / Video's

Hello @SK are you able to provide a video of this "glitching"?

What you see in the picture provided is pretty much what you get

the car just bugs out sometimes and textures glitch out and a way to fix that is if you use a wash cloth but the dirt map is awful 

Is a video really necessary like if you go on a dev server and spend like 5 minutes driving around you'll quickly notice it. 

Thank you both for reporting, however upon checking it turns out this has already been reported and is being tracked as #522.

Sorry, either we've been unable to reproduce this bug with enough detail, or its not been considered a bug.
Nevertheless, we appreciate your efforts, please do not be discouraged in submitting new bug reports going forward.​


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