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Rolls Royce Wraith Headlights

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Mission Row / LSFS / Bolingbroke
Steam ID: 76561198839823690

Character ID: 72689

When did this happen: 02/09/23

Summary: Rolls Royce Wraith Headlights

Full Description:
When the full beam headlights are turned on in the Rolls Royce Wraith it only seems to come on the one side as marked in picture. Obviously not game breaking but being a luxury car it would be nice for it to be working correctly. Thanks

Images / Video's

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They are actually extra side lights - the headlights are that strong you don't see them 'brighten' when you toggle them.

I have added the missing sidelight to the left side

Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!​


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