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Route 68 24/7 interior bug

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Steam ID: 76561198056476457

Character ID: 73509

When did this happen: 05/03/23

Summary: Route 68 24/7 interior bug

Full Description:
Noticed when I entered the Gas Station Shop that feet were going through the floor.
After some checking around I noticed you can clip through various walls and object within the store
Video attached shows what I found. I also searched around the outside of the building and found no issues with the exterior

Images / Video's

Steam ID: 76561198880658991

Character ID: 68872

When did this happen: 05/06/23

Summary: Shop Floor Issue on Route 68

Full Description:
The shop floor on Route 68 Harmony has a issue that makes your characters feet sink into the flooring.

1 - Video showing the issue
2 - The shop location
3 - Photo showing the issue

Images / Video's
1 - https://youtu.be/dVfwXaRNl4Y
2 - https://i.gyazo.com/352e451c080ff34d0722e0a8167639a4.jpg
3 - https://i.gyazo.com/3f2d68472d0054b58118c1a1d8137353.png

Thank you for your help in alerting us to this bug, now that all of the required information has been gathered, it's been logged with the development team who will look to fix this. ​


Thread locked, awaiting development team response
Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!​


Locked & Moved to Solved
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