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RP'ing the FBI by the Go Kartel.


Well-known member
The Netherlands / Weedland / The Go Kart Track
Sorry for the toaster quality... Anyway:

We bought our ''FBI'' clothing (A go kart suit, aviator glasses and a tactical vest), got a police car and decided to RP the FBI for today. We encountered the Police and the following happened...

Thanks to the Police for joining in with the RP rather than metagaming. It was good fun :)

Made possible by:

Windows Live Movie Maker

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)

Elevator music

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I believe the police officer was called Voltz... Atleast that name popped up. Thanks for the good fun ;)

I was confused and decided it be best to go along with it, your RP was nice.

There's me in the background reviving a guy! (In an Army suit? Don't remember that bit..) woo!
