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RPUK Attack and Defend Tournament


Well-known member
Myself and @Fadewill be running an Attack and Defend tournament over the next week couple of weeks. For those who aren't familiar with it, it's a game mode for Arma 3 which involves quick, round based, close quarters PVP in which both teams take turns defending an objective marked on the map, hence the name Attack and Defend. I can personally vouch and say it will be plenty of fun to play in as well as many others who have played it, profitable as well if you win ;)

The tournament will run in a similar way to the endgame one run a few months ago, in which you entered your team, assigned yourselves a name and paid the entry fee. Then on Friday and Saturday at around 7/8ish a game was played in which two teams competed against each other, the loser being knocked out the winner carrying on to the next round.

In this case team numbers will be a maximum of 8 and the entry fee will be £2mil per team. The winning team will receive 75% of the pot and the runner up will receive 25%.

TacticalPanda has already offered to pay in £5mil to the pot himself

Pot as it currently stands: £17mil

To enter the event copy the following format and fill it in and then reply to this topic with it.

Team Name:
Team Roster:
Team member paying and their stats page:

List of Reserves (not needed, but recommended)

The dates of when the games will be played will be released once enough teams have signed up.

NOTE: The money will come out of ONE persons account and if their is an odd number of teams signed up then the last team will be removed. This is due to the tournament needing an even number of teams otherwise it doesn't work.

If you have any questions regarding the event don't hesitate to message myself or @Fade

Thanks to @Farmer Gilesfor assisting with the event.

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I would join but I don't think anyone would want to be with me. If I could be on my own I would ..

There is now 13 mil in the pot. Need a few more teams to register then I'll be able to start arranging dates for the tournament.

I am going to need some dates otherwise I cannot tell if I am going to be able to play
