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RPUK's Second Code Challenge

Got to a point that seemed too easy, and now it's time to try decode this confusing message... I do hate maths...


Not sure whether to laugh.


I didnt learn from the last code challenge, I still have no clue

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You all know the score by now, every now and again we put one of these up on the forums and if anybody manages to solve it they will receive five million in game pounds.

You may begin with the following string: mrhgdqkrojlwkxelr/DOXN-Prqwkob/s2/a.kwpo

You may start there, Special thanks to@DSGT Vafflafor helping make this one. 

Someone tried to be sneaky and search it on website

You all know the score by now, every now and again we put one of these up on the forums and if anybody manages to solve it they will receive five million in game pounds.

You may begin with the following string: mrhgdqkrojlwkxelr/DOXN-Prqwkob/s2/a.kwpo

You may start there, Special thanks to@DSGT Vafflafor helping make this one. 
What college did you attend ( what did you study )


Someone tried to be sneaky and search it on website

What college did you attend ( what did you study )
Currently studying Computer Science, the last one was with the help of @DSGT Vaffla, a lot of intrigue and enjoyment really is the best way to learn how to do these things, mainly don't be afraid to ask questions, admittedly you won't get much here because it's a competition but after it's been completed we will show a full instruction set of answers and anybody who wants to ask questions can after that time :)

Currently studying Computer Science, the last one was with the help of @DSGT Vaffla, a lot of intrigue and enjoyment really is the best way to learn how to do these things, mainly don't be afraid to ask questions, admittedly you won't get much here because it's a competition but after it's been completed we will show a full instruction set of answers and anybody who wants to ask questions can after that time :)
Gonnae help me with stage 2 part 2 for a blowy?

As expected, this is now a June code challenge, still waiting for anybody to get to the last stage. ?
