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Rules Feedback

Either be constructive with your responses or stop posting. 

Most tells me a lot. You KNOW there are people that only play for the gun fights.
Then talk to those people about it, rather than letting them make a mistake and get banned

So this would be better than the new restrictive rules?
I think it could be a way to prevent argument's that gangs do it on the less populated server although it limits the game play for others as during peak times gangs will be fighting over who's doing it, but that doesn't solve the issue of meta gaming where people join to defend their base or to join the HM just for the gun fight removing role playing from the equation and going back to the argument that it is meta gaming in the first place it would have to be maybe put to a vote if the majority is happy with allowing information to be given via team speak and hop on squads being allowed or not as before these rules were put into place and with what had been happening it was just a black and white example of meta gaming, at least if it was Server one it would max out and 20 cops wouldn't be able to flood in at once like they did/have been, or allow it on both, and any Police that join a server with an ongoing operation have to wait 30 minutes before they can move in and help with the operation in that way it can at least be looked at that 'Armed response' were called for and they were getting ready and the first cops were struggling so reinforcement's were needed, it allows the initial gun fight to go ahead and then gives some form of role-play towards these hop on squads and for everyone to be quick and get everything out before the next wave comes. 

I personally think everyone should be allowed to go back after the NLR timers are up or Cops shouldn't be as sometimes I have killed the same cop 2-3 times in a single HM and its a bit silly/unfair that they are just coming back and challenging me again using previous information, this coupled with a cool down before joining an ongoing operation, would be a good solution but that's just my opinion.

The permission to raid gang bases is going to put so much extra work onto staff or remove game play of bases being raided there should have to be X amount of gang members on to raid the base, some form of initiation, and someone inside.

I think it could be a way to prevent argument's that gangs do it on the less populated server although it limits the game play for others as during peak times gangs will be fighting over who's doing it, but that doesn't solve the issue of meta gaming where people join to defend their base or to join the HM just for the gun fight removing role playing from the equation and going back to the argument that it is meta gaming in the first place it would have to be maybe put to a vote if the majority is happy with allowing information to be given via team speak and hop on squads being allowed or not as before these rules were put into place and with what had been happening it was just a black and white example of meta gaming, at least if it was Server one it would max out and 20 cops wouldn't be able to flood in at once like they did/have been, or allow it on both, and any Police that join a server with an ongoing operation have to wait 30 minutes before they can move in and help with the operation in that way it can at least be looked at that 'Armed response' were called for and they were getting ready and the first cops were struggling so reinforcement's were needed, it allows the initial gun fight to go ahead and then gives some form of role-play towards these hop on squads and for everyone to be quick and get everything out before the next wave comes. 

I personally think everyone should be allowed to go back after the NLR timers are up or Cops shouldn't be as sometimes I have killed the same cop 2-3 times in a single HM and its a bit silly/unfair that they are just coming back and challenging me again using previous information, this coupled with a cool down before joining an ongoing operation, would be a good solution but that's just my opinion.

The permission to raid gang bases is going to put so much extra work onto staff or remove game play of bases being raided there should have to be X amount of gang members on to raid the base, some form of initiation, and someone inside.
Fella this was all down to you. I asked you to come to an amicable solution on this. You didnt want to. I actually feel like just taking action on that video that I saw of you threatening to report and deleting everything since then. 

HM rules has been like it used to be for so long time without any problems and all sudden when H.M rules got changed it causes a lot of arguments, long time ago rule was added that rebels can't return to the HM but police can because it was meant to simulate the real world. Adding this rule is far far away from reality.

You telling me there is nothing wrong with people that only play here to hop on for ops?
I assume you are referencing the people who were reported recently. Not one person that was reported "plays here to hop on for ops?", I find that extremely unfair that you can say this as the majority of those who were reported are active nearly everyday of the week. In my opinion I believe if you are going to make new rules regarding what goes on in game you should play and experience it yourself to see why people are upset, maybe you would also then see us "hop ons" are active members of the police who enjoy RP as well as gun fights.

Fella this was all down to you. I asked you to come to an amicable solution on this. You didnt want to. I actually feel like just taking action on that video that I saw of you threatening to report and deleting everything since then. 
Just a couple of question from my side:

How would it help to ban these reported people (19)?

Why is this "Hop-on" such a big problem Now, even tho it exists since I am on the server?

What faction does actualy Not Hop-on?

I am asking these questions as I do not understand why you want to take "action". Answers would be greatly appreciated, as they could help me to see why you would do that.

These rules created some negative feedback (negative as - against the rules). But that doesn't mean you would need to take such an obscene approach. 

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Just a couple of question from my side:

How would it help to ban these reported people (19)?

Why is this "Hop-on" such a big problem Now, even tho it exists since I am on the server?

What factions does actualy Not Hop-on?

I am asking these questions as I do not understand why you want to take "action". Answers would be greatly appreciated, as they could help me to see why you would do that.

These rules created some negative feedback (negative as - against the rules). But that doesn't mean you have to take such an obscene approach. 

1) We didnt want to ban anyone and did a lot of work to try to come to a solution to this issue.

2) Its a problem now because certain players are now in the police that were part of problem groups before. They think that the police give them a blanket and protect them. Remember I was a CSI in the police this kind of thing defo was not on back in the day. Im pretty sure it was written into the handbook.

3) No idea. I just know that there is a certain group that has been shown to do it.

Obscene was not the word you should have used here.

Why is this "Hop-on" such a big problem Now, even tho it exists since I am on the server?
This isn't a new problem... or not from my perspective anyway.

Back when I was UNMC General we all got in trouble for doing exactly the same thing, (Logging onto the server after receiving a request to do so on our messaging service).

Rather ironically I believe it was a group of members of the Police who raised the issue. Which of course, was and is against server rules.

It's always been forbidden to affect ingame results with out of game actions such as calling offline people for backup.

Something has changed in the police in the last year, maybe a little longer, if it is okay to call for out of game backup.

This isn't a new problem... or not from my perspective anyway.

Back when I was UNMC General we all got in trouble for doing exactly the same thing, (Logging onto the server after receiving a request to do so on our messaging service).

Rather ironically I believe it was a group of members of the Police who raised the issue. Which of course, was and is against server rules.

It's always been forbidden to affect ingame results with out of game actions such as calling offline people for backup.

Something has changed in the police in the last year, maybe a little longer, if it is okay to call for out of game backup.
What rule actually prohibits it? You say it is ironic but remember the police has hundreds of members and not all them share the same opinions.

What rule actually prohibits it? You say it is ironic but remember the police has hundreds of members and not all them share the same opinions.
You're right, it seems to have disappeared at some point. It was a short mention under the Metagaming section.

To be amended.

So does this mean that someone would need proof of someone getting told to hop on for a ban to be actioned throuhg report. Proof as in a ss from chat or a voice log or something. Or is it if there is a large group logging in during a fight and they come help its already ban worthy?

So does this mean that someone would need proof of someone getting told to hop on for a ban to be actioned throuhg report. Proof as in a ss from chat or a voice log or something. Or is it if there is a large group logging in during a fight and they come help its already ban worthy?
As with all bans, evidence is required. You will not be punished for logging in if you don't use out of game information.

I don't mean to restart a fire , just offer my feedback. 

Ive finally caught up with the 5 pages of reading. There's been lots of moaning of everyone and it's gone back and forth constantly, it's wasted a lot of time also. For the admins dealing with this, they want what's best for the player base and the player base I don't think is helping them resolve issues only causing more problems for them. At the end of the day everyone is here to have fun, we all love the server and wouldn't be here if we didn't enjoy our time. It's one big headache.

I personally think they way forward is in saying White listed factions cannot come back to any operations. One life per operation. The same as rebels. Now hear me out.

Rebels complain that cops can come back after a fight. This would stop if the rule was introduced. This would also stop the 4 hour long fights i have experienced with the police which is a giant piss take. 

Rebels complain that there the only faction that cannot come back. I don't see why UNMC and police should be able to and not Rebels.

Also from a Rebels perspective, the cops seem to just rush towers, and HM with one player and try there look at taking us out. After a hour it's just like water against a rock. We're gonna lose hence the zombies relation. I also think the cops play way more risky knowing they can come back and we can't. Rebels are forced to play on the reserve knowing that if they die they lose a ton of money in gear and cant come back. There are many advantages ans disadvantages on both sides, the advantage's on the rebel side aren't really advantages since they can be counted by 10 cops rushing towers, some with rubbers causing the rebels to die. The cops that die can wait 15 mins they do the same tactics for the HM building.

Rebels also find it frustrating how we kill the same cops numerious times and it only if we kill all of the cops. Which is impossible since they'd just keep one cop hidden away. It isn't like then cops have no value for life of " oh are guys just got slaughted, let's pull out " system. 

Removing the fact that the white listed factions cannot come back would make things fair game. If you've die it's because you were killed by a better player. No one can argue with that. But it's annoying when you've kill a player 3 times and on the forth life they kill you.

If this was removed cops would stop complaining that banks are done on S2 at off peak times because rebels would defiantly be more willing to do it with more cops on. Because I know that players I play with can kill more then 2 cops per life easily unless their unlucky. I woudnt see a problem with doing a bank with 30+ cops on. Knowing we only have to kill x amount of cops once.

With my suggestion, all other variables would be removed and it wouldn't come down to skill, the only thing that would remain would be the Calibre differences in the guns. But the fact cops would outnumber rebels properly 2:1 would counter it, espically if the maximum of 12 AR members + guests. (If correct) Is on. 

Perosnally there are only a few things that frustrate me, cops coming back is one of them. I'm fine with being outnumbered, I'm fine with cops coming online to help, ( granted 19 the other day was excessive ) but lower numbers woudnt concern me. I'm fine with cops taking reasonable force to get back the bank. I think most problems would be resolved with cops having one life. 

Also I think that it would save a lot more rules being added for a similar outcome, if not directly effecting on the unlimited life rule.

Id genuinely like feedback on this, as constructive as possible. If I've missed something I'm sorry. I tried My best. Also sorry for any English errors, I'm doing this on my phone and autocorrect is a bugger.

Thank you for reading, 


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Just getting the cleaners in to sort out the non rules feed back related posts. 

Any non rule related feedback posts after this one will be dealt with harshly. Expect a month off of the forums. 

For some reason, my post got deleted but I'll just say it again:
This new rule: (4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban). I have a few questions about this. 

A) Isn't this basically the same rule as the scouting Teamspeak rule

B) How can you tell the difference between someone saying "Lads, there's a bank on Server 2! There's 12 Police. Lets go" or "Hey, how are you? Do you want to go on a patrol?" And then they just log on, with no intention of hopping on for a bank, and they get accused of Metagaming? It's not possible to tell the difference if 8 people are in the same channel and they all go down to Trojan 1 and there is a bank or if 3 people log on and there is a bank.

I'm glad at least it has been changed :D
