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Rust Update - 04/06/2015



Whoever done that to my room, I will find you, and I will kill you

Pls no fast furnaces, as it was =) Makes it too easy for big groups to cook up massive amounts of C4 and destroy everyone who tries to survive in a smaller group. At least this way no matter how much furnaces u have at least you have to wait for it.

The who now?
The 2 Foot Palm Trees are the toughest and most secretive gang in Altis, only a few have have proven worthy on becoming members. Now it is our time to step into the spotlight and take control of the rust world. You should fear our fully optimised VTEC...

Oxide for Rust Experimental

Oxide server mod framework and API for Rust Experimental

Total Downloads: 10,199 - First Release: Nov 5, 2014 - Last Update: 1 minute ago

And its updated and back online with 55 players already!

Please note instacraft is broke in this update, all other mods seem to be working.

M8 I got the weekend off .. time to build the best Seaside Resort Nandos EVER together with my boii @BratJaggesVlnd  B)   B)

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@Wilco Please reset the kit timers, can't redeem any =). Also, the home kit doesnt time down ever it is stuck on E+38 something, think that means infinity =P

I've downloaded Rust so I'll be seeing ya around I guess. I havent played since they re-made it!
