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I was there with him. Front Door was Open.

1: My doors were not open

2: Last time I was logged on, I logged in and spawned at that house to check it and logged straight off. Everything was there.

I always have my doors locked and it would be impossible to get it unless glitched. (As last time I was on, it was literally for a couple of minutes)

Linc, honestly. The option "Open Door" was there. It opened.

We were doing some house buying. And decided to take a look. We walked straight in.

Linc, honestly. The option "Open Door" was there. It opened.

We were doing some house buying. And decided to take a look. We walked straight in.
I do know some houses can be bugged where they are always unlocked, but this is quite a rare bug from what I know. 

Will you and bear be on TS later, I have a couple of questions if that is okay.
