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Although the circumstances you are leaving in are not good I wish you the best in whatever you move onto next. You did mess around a lot and that's the only side a lot of people saw of you but when you sat down and focused you really did put a lot of work in so I wanna say thanks for everything you done for us in academy. Dont forget to keep in touch on discord and pop into TS every now and then.

Best of luck with what ever else you will choose to do! come on teamspeak once in a while!!!

Take care man.

still remember you taking me out on patrol as a young recruit

Goodbye mate 

Have a good one Sassy chap, hope your future endeavours treat you well. 😀

Sassy, you have been one of the best people to hang around, gotta love that amazing Scot accent. And I wish you the best luck on whatever you decide to do next in life. Don't be a stranger!

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