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Selling Ingame items VIA The forums - Suggestions / Opinions


Athira OG
Elite Donator
Legendary Donator
So selling ingame Items on the forum’s is a hit a miss subject with quite a few players. I brought this topic up at the last Staff meeting, I was asked to make a forum post to see the community's input on the subject. In this post I will go through -

The positives

The negatives


My opinion

Your opinions

What are the positives of selling ingame Items on the forum’s?

Simple / Easy - Lets all be honest its not hard to load up your prefered web browser type Roleplay.co.uk and find the Buy / Sell sub forum. In there you will find Guns, Attachments Rare Clothing and other miscellaneous items. It's not very time consuming and it does not involve you logging into game to setup an initial purchase.  

You can Bid! - Currently ingame we do not have an infrastructure to bid on items for ingame cash. However we can do VIA The forums.

What are the negatives of selling ingame items on the forum’s?

No initial Roleplay  / Any Roleplay/? - So personally I have never sold / purchased any ingame items VIA the forums (Will get onto this in a little while) but I know many people who have. By asking them it seems a very little amount of people actually go into game and roleplay the purchase. Normally its done by player X joining player Y’s TS Channel, logging ingame, meeting player Y and transferring cash for item/s. Not a word spoke ingame just a general chat on TS.  - Where is the fun in that?

Little / No risk - As the point states there is very low risk of getting caught in roleplay by the police. People arrange a quite place / server VIA TS to meet ingame, do the deed then log off. This makes it alot easier for rebels, civilians etc to become armed and become dangerous.

Whats stated above is just a few key points what i have gained from observing the forums or specating ingame. Im sure there is many more!


Keep it the same - Keep it how it currently is. There is No issue / No changes to the ingame system / Rules / Forums.

Add a rule / remove the sub forum - Add a forum rule that a warning point will be issued / thread hidden if you post a topic attempting to sell ingame items VIA the forums. - Force the roleplay to take place ingame.

Suggest to the development team to invest there time to develop a online black market Ingame - What do you mean?

Implement a system ingame where you can bid on items / Sell items #BringbackAbay - Add a system that allows the abay market place to be robbed (Abit like the bank to add some risk to using the system)

(Dont know how easy this would be to re implement / possible with arma limitations)

What is my opinion?

I can completely understand why people buy and sell items VIA the forums, as stated above its easy, (Sort of) effortless and basically risk free. However for me it takes away the fun, the risk, the adrenaline and the excitement of experiencing that shaddy roleplay ingame where you have to speak to a dodgy man on the corner of Kavala high street. Then follow him in the hope of not getting caught, taken hostage or robbed. You have to place trust in a player and hope that they don't stab you in the back! For me it adds a whole different aspect to the game and to roleplay!

So in conclusion i believe that selling items VIA The forum’s should be removed, however im sure alot of you would disagree.

What I would like from you?

Your opinions on the matter

Your suggestions - For me to rise at the next staff meeting

To see what the community wants!

So please post below, remember to keep clean and constructive!

Thank you!


EDIT: Vote now! HERE

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I have done sales on the forums before and it is how you describe it. You talk on TS, do the deal the log off. Abay will make people to do everything ingame which will improve roleplay. I also think that we should keep the sub forum as if your selling a house etc, it may be easier than ingame however we will have to see what the devs can do. 

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Maybe if there was a way to get rare gear through events or something this would be cool, but atm I can just see hobos selling normal rebel guns. Having said this would be cool to see people selling rare items on forums.

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Hit the nail on the head. I can understand houses as they are rare and you can buy houses on the internet irl. However selling assault rifles, berets etc I disagree with. As much as you can sell stuff on ebay etc in real life, it has very little roleplay and very little risk.

(Can you add a poll? @JohnJoeegan 🙂)

I've never particularly liked the buying/selling on the forum due to these reasons. I think something like Abay should be in place for such things.

I made a suggestion recently about housing and buildings, part of it is regarding a new player shop system that could work very well.

I'm updating this later today to have the ability to add vehicles to such shops too, so you need to go around and actually shop and find the best deals.

But yeah, please remove buying and selling on the forums.


Abay is perfect for anything from selling hurons to selling rooks to hobos...

@JohnJoeegan You should add a poll to this post as then we will get a general overlook of what peoples thoughts are on the current system because not everyone will comment. Then if people feel necessary and have suggestions can list them down below.

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How about a Real estate/dark web blackmarket subforum where you must chat roleplay exchanges? that then justifies meeting up annd making the deal, of course with a bit more RP.

This post is about weapons, Abay should be brought back and added in with guns.
Abay was removed due to being very buggy, it needs a full rework. Or basically use the system I suggest, with some tweaks to it of course. 

How about a Real estate/dark web blackmarket subforum where you must chat roleplay exchanges? that then justifies meeting up annd making the deal, of course with a bit more RP.
Now this i like! A subforum that's in character where you sell stuff, sounds awesome! Although some rules around meta gaming migt have to be added... but if implemented correctly it would be so cool. +1

The issue you are forgetting or I am just missing out is how else are we meant to go around selling guns etc? Do you expect people to run around spawn points saying they're selling shit? I just feel on the servers it's very limited in that regard to any system there to support this idea.

Maybe consider making a command like /advert which would advertise to everyone in the bottom left like normal text stating what-ever the person puts in. For example:

(Advert) [User arma name] : Hello there, I am selling 3 AK-47'S. If you want to contact me call me at 0342342(call my arma name)

something like that?

A poll has been added to the forums, check it out below!

The issue you are forgetting or I am just missing out is how else are we meant to go around selling guns etc? Do you expect people to run around spawn points saying they're selling shit? I just feel on the servers it's very limited in that regard to any system there to support this idea.

Maybe consider making a command like /advert which would advertise to everyone in the bottom left like normal text stating what-ever the person puts in. For example:

(Advert) [User arma name] : Hello there, I am selling 3 AK-47'S. If you want to contact me call me at 0342342(call my arma name)

something like that?
The servers are limited at the current time i do agree. That is why i suggested for some changes to the ingame system. However as we all know some great roleplay can be had from selling ingame items actually ingame! As stated in my points above it add's risk etc! 

In game auction area where you can put of a gun and people can bid on it in game. You can put up a gun for an example and it will cost a fee for being illegal and for the time you want the item up.
