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(Semi)Successful Event!


Well-known member
Today on Server 1 at roughly 10pm a small server event was organised and held by myself and the sexy Swedish @BratJaggesVlnd! With a good helping hand from @Gregory

The aim was very simple! A tempest left Athira guarded by a large, heavily prepped and armed rebel faction carrying multiple weapons to Kavala. The gang who had imported the large shipment of weapons had to park it up at the beach awaiting it's next transport!.. (RP-wise). Sadly the first attempt was ended swiftly due to some very careless driving by a hobo. Resulting in the first Tempest being blown up along with all that loot.

Luckily the gang had expected some trouble with their valuables whilst in transit and had a second truck prepared waiting to set off in Galati. The truck eventually moved towards Agios where they hit a lot of trouble from multiple other rebel factions, who were armed to the teeth with 50. Cal offroads and ifrits! Luckily they battled through Agios and survived. The truck pushed down the main road towards Kavala, encountering small resistance from the police and a few other rebels.

Finally the truck entered Kavala, being now chased by almost half the island with multiple police vehicles on it's tail, it headed straight for it's destination. Suddenly the truck makes a wrong turn due to some communication errors within the rebels guarding the truck and they wind up boxed in by police hunters where they are eventually neutralized. 

The police gain control of the Tempest and keep hold of it until they receive the all clear. The truck is then scrapped and all illegal weapons seized.

A huge thank you to all that participated in this small, unexpected event! A big well done to the Altis Police Department for eventually prevailing over the multiple hostiles to prevent more illegal weapons getting onto the streets of Altis!

Thank you to TFE for being the armed escorts of the truck, who did a fantastic job in leading the truck all the way to Kavala, just to sadly make a wrong turn in the very end.. Which cost them the whole truckload! Also, thanks for the patience of them when the truck blew up on our first attempt, and being ready to crack straight on with the second attempt! I purposely chose a relatively new gang to the server to have a main part in this small event, TFE did a great job organising it with me and the other Admins and were a pleasure to deal with.. I personally think I made the right choice! 

Hopefully we'll do more of these unexpected small events to keep everyone on their toes! If anyone has any pictures or videos they'd like to share please put them here!



Great fun. A large thank you to all of the admins for organizing such a fun event for us to do. Keep it up liquid and the rest of the admin team

[TFE] Lewis

I'd love more events on the server, really involve the community, instead of giving them a ball and telling them to go make their own fun, I feel involving the community will really heighten people's interests, good job to all involved and those organising, the community I am sure, are very proud of you all!

Thankyou so much for arranging it was so much fun, Hears to the future and more events :)

I really enjoyed that op, Managed to get out alive and kill 5 rebels, Alot of fun.

Please hold more events :D

Thanks again liquid, We may of fell at the final hurdle but i'm still just as happy with the experience and the laughs it gave us, Id also like to thank T.I and TKC for being involved lucky you had your own problems to sort out xD

Thank you everyone for making this event work! Thank you @Liquid for involving me, thank you @Gregory for helping out with everything!

If anyone has any ideas for other events, feel free to message me and i'll do my best to make them happen, within realistic limits of course. Hopefully Liquid will help me aswell, as he has proven himself a very good event coordinator.

At least Chad had the decency to include TI and TKC in this post >.>

Thank you so much for orginising it, it was a lot of fun! 

Thank you to all the other gangs aswell! 

Really enjoyed it myself. Tho I got peppered early the 2nd go :p

The police vehicle lineup while we eagerly await orders to take on the second truck.


Great small event, hope to do it again.
