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Server 119/120

Hello, why does the server display its 119/120 when its full. It never shows 120, its annoying because we carnt use steam servers to auto join because it thinks there is a space free. Can this be fixed please? Thankskkkk

Well carnt it be changed since for 1person it means we carnt use a whole feature of steam since its quite annoying to having to refresh it for 20minutes. Also when spam space bar it says connection failed even tho u get a screen for 10 seconds...

That's not an admin slot, we need to wait like every other player.

That's for server side processing, something we use.

That's not an admin slot, we need to wait like every other player.

That's for server side processing, something we use.

Ah well, ignore me then

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headless client doesnt show as a player as it's local
