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Server 2

Refer to the news letter ( I would link but on mobile and cba to do a lot of swiping )

There is nothing in the newsletter about the reason server 2 is off.
It doesn’t explicitly say, however it mentions moving to utilise VM Ware above this paragraph;

t is important we continue with 2 Altis Life servers as every night there is an overflow required, It is also very important that both these servers run on their own dedicated server, However other services like Teamspeak, the website, the DB and API/bot system no longer require the resources of their own dedicated servers.

Therefore it’s safe to assume that they’re migrating to a new platform.

There is nothing in the newsletter about the reason server 2 is off.
Server 2 is only ever used as overflow and isnt brought on until Server 1 is sitting at full capacity for an extended time. Just play on server 1?

Server 2 is only ever used as overflow and isnt brought on until Server 1 is sitting at full capacity for an extended time. Just play on server 1?

This is the second server to be launched under Altis Life UK in summer 2014 due the popularity of server 1 allowing more people to enjoy Altis! Your stats carry over from S1 & this server is online between 14:00 - 01:00 daily, Please note no compensation requests will be granted by any losses due to the server going offline at 01:00 GMT
from https://www.roleplay.co.uk/servers. Also server 1 is indeed full every day.  I'm guessing that they are migrating like Samatlewis said

Its not full throughout  the day though, hence why when it’s available it’s only brought up in peak periods :) 
