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ShadowKnight[PT]- Unban Appeal (unbanned 24/03/15)

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Your In-game name: ShadowKnight[PT] 

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198047796193

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):  e6b051d87a060709137223748cdea95b

Date & Time you was banned: ~19:00, 16/3/2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Rule 1: Cheating, exploiting, hacking

[SIZE=13.5pt]Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:[/SIZE]   [SIZE=9pt]I always tried to obey the rules and will try harder.[/SIZE] I now that I’ve committed my mistakes and I think that I deserve a second chance because I really love this server, and I just don’t want leave it permanently due to my stupidity. From this point onwards I will not commit more mistakes and I say thank you for giving me this ban because now I’ll be more careful with what I do. I’m sorry for what I did and it won’t happen again, just please let me come back to this server I beg you. King regards, ShadowKnightPT]

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here: 

Yes i know that that is against the rules, but in my screen i wasn't restrained, i was knocked out, i've no proof though, it was a game glitch, i wasn't glitching the restrain to get rid of it

Don't lie, you were in restraints not in the knocked out state, you turned to me and shot me as soon as you glitched the restraints suggesting you knew it was going to happen. No point in lying in an unban report, not going to do you any good.

Not lying, between 1:28 and 1:37 in my computer i was knocked out due to the rubber bullets than the carachter stood up, i saw that i was unrestrained so killed u. Later i saw in chat that i was arrested by a cop that i don't remenber the name. Anyway i'm sorry and i don't want more problems because i've no  video proof to back up with what i'm saying.

I have unbanned you for a final chance. If you hear that restrain noise or see the message do not press anything. There are no third chances.

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