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Shalloa's gear


Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police

So after some saving im going to order my new Rig.

at this point its going to look like this..

CPU: Intel i7-4770 3.4Ghz

Motherboard: Asrock B85M-Pro4

memory: 8GB DDR3

Microsoft: Windows 7

Video card: Asus Geforce GTX 750TI 2GB GDDR5

power: Coolermaster 600Watt

casing : Gigabyte GZ-M1


I dont have much idea about what rig this will be.

I do know its alot better then a i3 with 4gb Ram..

you guys have any good tips let my know!

@lionel ( hope your offer still stands to help my out ;) )

Sweet! Any tips on something? I might go order this setup in a few hours so i can still change things if it dossent gets to expencive

Sweet! Any tips on something? I might go order this setup in a few hours so i can still change things if it dossent gets to expencive
May want to get a cpu cooler and not use the stock one, and you may also want to upgrade the graphics card if you can! 

Hey shalloa

You ask if there is anything else you should be upgrading, all depends on how much money you have to do so.

But...... For the love of god get a ssd for your windows installation and most used programs.

A 250gb should be fine for starters.

Next on the list would be more ram, fir a decent gaming rig, would recommend 12 min so you can turn off the page file, you dont want that slowing you down.

Yes you could go for a better graphics card, but that is a expensive upgrade.

Thnx lionel.

i havent thougt about the SSD is a good idea indeed!

I want to upgrade the RAM to 16 in time. it all depens on the price in totaal if im able to get it to that amount or any higher for that mather :)

What video card would be recommanded at this time?

Meaning a liquid cooler or a cooler on the cpu it self?

any suggestions?
well it depends on the money you have, if you enough for a water cooler get that, i think corsair are offering the best ones on the market atm even though i have a cooler master myself. If you cant afford that get a cooler master hype evo 212. Great cooler. 

For the graphics card try and get a 970! Its a great card for the money! 

And as lionel said try youre best to get an ssd! Put the SSD over all the things i said, it makes youre system so much faster! 

Can't help unless you tell me how much you have allocated to spend on graphics.

Otherwise get a triple titan setup with watercooling.

But realistically we have to know what you can buy, not what you should buy.

and spend a penny more and get the 4790k @ 4ghz instead of the 4770. (more for the money) I'd also sugggest a newer card like 960 as it uses less power and has newer chipset than the 750 (My suggestions make it cost around 40-50 pounds more but will be better at range tho!)

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He Guys so i have about 1'000 euro's to spend.

The setup post above is about 950 euro. These are old numbers but it wont be far of. What i would like is to get the importend parts and let it be build. i can save again and then change / upgrade some little parts like RAM.

I have had contact with the shop were i let it be build.

i wish for it to be done befor this weekend so i can run and get some criminals behind bars haha ;)

but.. if im better of waiting a few days to get better gear i will wait ofcourse.

i asked for the 960 gtx graphic card its about 250 euros

im speaking with Ms.Shalloa and see if she is oke with it. ( the hang over from marrige :p )

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after some searching it seems that it will cost me about 100 euros more to get all the stuff in it.

Exept for the ram and the ssd witch i still need to find on the webpage of the builders

i have agreed to contact them tomorrow and will ask the price for everything.

Pleas if you still have tips or stuff let my know! :D

So after some chatting with my wife and begging i finely got the green ligt.

Intel core i7-4790 3.4GHz,12GB DDR3 @1600Mhz
Asrock B85-Pro4
CoolerMaster 600 Watt
Geforce GTX 960 Black Edition 2GB GDDR5
USB3.0, USB2.0
Multi DVD Recorder, HDMI, DVI-D, VGA-D-Sub
Windows 7 Home Premium NL 64Bits.
This is what it has become!
Guys really many thanks for your feedback and information.
i hope this will be the beast that toke my 2 years. 
Lets hope i can now start gaming, shooting, Roleplay and streaming without:
lag, lag spikes, dysing, game crash, computer crash, Blue screen of deafth and all other painfull things i had to deal with the last year :D
Again guys thanks for the feedback and help!
Yes im verry happy right now!! 
:finger:    :D    :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :finger:
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Congrats man, make sure you get some photos up when you have e it all fully built up
