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Shooting in greenzones and Bluezones

Lizard Man

Well-known member
So i've been playing a lot lately and there are things that really bugs me, and a lot of players too i think. Here are 3 instances for an example.

1) If for instance i am at the garage in Athira getting my car, and i randomly get knocked down by police for inside the police HQ in Athira, am i allowed to shoot back?

2) Also if i threathen cops saying my friends will shoot them, but they drop all conversation and opportunities of roleplay just to hurry up and getting me inside the bluezone, are my mates still allowed to shoot at the cops?

3) I am robbing someone with a big truck around the drug dealer in kavala and he drives off and into the garage in Kavala (green zone) Am i allowed to continue the role-play?

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1) If the Police shot at you from inside the blue zone then you can return fire.

2) No, but I am sure if you find cops doing this you could get the higher ups to have a word with them on Teamspeak.

3) No

1) If for instance i am at the garage in Athira getting my car, and i randomly get knocked down by police for inside the police HQ in Athira, am i allowed to shoot back?

I asked Neo this exact question just a few days ago, his answer was basically as long as they shoot at you first, lethal or not.

2) Also if i threathen cops saying my friends will shoot them, but they drop all conversation and opportunities of roleplay just to hurry up and getting me inside the bluezone, are my mates still allowed to shoot at the cops?

If they get to the blue zone as it stands no, if I were in this situation I would probably fire a warning shot after the officer has been warned, but before they enter the blue zone. You basically need to initiate combat before they enter the blue zone.

3) I am robbing someone with a big truck around the drug dealer in kavala and he drives off and into the garage in Kavala (green zone) Am i allowed to continue the role-play?

It would be combat storing, report him.
