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Signature Error

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Farmer Giles

Well-known member
When i try to add a signature picture its comes up with this error.


After a vast amount of attempts it accepted this picture. This was a few days ago. 

Today i wanted to add some writing to my signature but its coming up again and i cant get it to accept :(

Same problem as I mentioned before, your profile signature limit will be 300Px X 300Px. Send me what you want added to it and i'll do it. 
Make sure you're happy with it though because I wont be doing it again for a while.

Same problem as I mentioned before, your profile signature limit will be 300Px X 300Px. Send me what you want added to it and i'll do it. 

Make sure you're happy with it though because I wont be doing it again for a while.
I didnt want to add another picture, i wanted the same one i have now but with writing above it!

But the picture is the size allowed! It must be a forum issue, my friend also had this issue!

The picture is not the size allowed, as I said; 90% of accounts have a 300Px X 300Px limit.

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