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Simon Unbann me please it was self defense

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Well-known member
Hi all its Simon. I started playing yesterday and after server restart me and my gang got out of a city filled with random people killing others and we escaped then the server got hacked again and we had to do the same thing and this time I took fire from two random guys on a field and I ran away my friend Jack got killed and I had 4 health I got in the buílding warned the guys that I have backup comming to get me and warned them to go and we wont pursue them but they said fuck you, you are alone in there we will get you and a lot of curse words then I said again dont come up Í will shot if you get here! 

Now we lost an Orca because I got RDM banned...

It all was self defense and I carried stuff worth ALLOT.

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Simon is right i am a witness he did not rdm anybody people came to kill him so he gave them clear warnings to leave him, so when they started shooting at him he killed them he did nothing wrong

Yeah because I want access to the donor shop and support the server I find being the best but man they need to make admins that check the unbann forums more often than they do now and I can understand that they have allot to do but really there is not allot of people doing ban appeals.

Simon, since you read the in-game rules I will now unban you, There will not be a further chance so please use the forums to report other players rather than rule breaking yourself.

In this case I was advised that you were RDM'ing people.

Whats your ingame name ?

My ingame name is Simon.

I spawned and me and Jack tried to get to the field where our choppers would get us and some guys killed Jack and tried to kill me and I had 4 in health left so I took cover on second floor of an house warning my pursuers and told them that I dont want to kill them but they said fuck you and started to fire at me and I took them out then guys outside on the road shot me in the shoulder through a window and I took them out too then I got out with my guys in the hellie.

Is it not allowed to protect myself like that?

I never randomly kill people in citys or ever...

It was first right on the outskirts of the city then I had to run into an house in the city away from them to hide but they followed me.

Btw I still get the ban thingy when I try to join.

Well the bad news is that happened, the good news is that it gave me your GUID (already unbanned the ip)

Hopefully fixed now please try again.

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