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Skilly (Action: Ban Issued 29/01/2015)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Skilly
Time & Date this happened:24/1/15
Which Server did this happen on:Server1
Description of what happened: After a gunfight, skilly gets knocked out by a CSO and gets restrained. Upon being restrained, Skilly performs a restrain glitch and sprays my CSO upon which he gets released due to death and continues to spray the rest of the officers on duty.
The good stuff stars at min 1:30
hope he is getting ban from it... cause i did...

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Since we we're in combat, i got restrained as u guys can see on the video. I also got knocked out.

After he moved me i was standing still and i also came back from the knockout. 

For some reason i got unrestrained and opend fire back and shot a few cops down.

I opened fire because i thought the "CSO Ram" person unrestrained me for some reason.

After a while i got shot down and also my friends.

I really wanne solve this problem, since i did not try to glitch, but i have no idea how i got unrestrained myself.

I coperated with the police - I talked to "Kaan Miller" on teamspeak and told him what happend and i sended him my video to see what exaly happend (for myself). After that i asked him if we could solve the problem anyway. As you guys can see thats also my video that he reported me with. He said he was not in charge of that so i had to contact the person in charge.

<20:05:04> "Kaan Miller": [CI] ziN [RTU] in Road Traffic Unit Vehicle 1

Screenshots of that i talked to "Kaan Miller":




Screenshots of that i talked to "zIN":


zIN, told me to contact the guy that "restrained" me and i also told him the story what happend and what i should do to resolve this problem.

Screenshots of that i talked to "CSO Ram":


Sadly we couldn't solve the problem. :/

Tryed to contact him, he's not answering at this moment, i will keep trying to get in touch with him, to solve this problem.

hope he is getting ban from it... cause i did...

I did not do anything wrong, for some reason i got unrestrained i would love this problem.

For "Ram" is it possible to send me a video that u restrained me and knocked me down? well atleast if u have it? so u have some proof that i got unrestrained for some reason??

I hope to hear soon of you :/

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why would he unrestraine you when you and your mate just ran away from the police + shot at the police?

why would he unrestraine you when you and your mate just ran away from the police + shot at the police?
Sir, i have no idea, that's why i wanne solve this problem.

I really wanne know why i got unrestrained for some reason, thats why i'm trying to contact some cops that we're there. zIN told me that it happens more and i didn't knew that, he also said it was getting annoyed that people get unrestrained for some reason.

Okay you did not get unrestraind when you get restrained you do a movement where you take your gun out and when you do that you can shot people and if you do that you bug out of the zipties

Okay you did not get unrestraind when you get restrained you do a movement where you take your gun out and when you do that you can shot people and if you do that you bug out of the zipties
Ow well i didn't know... Since this is the first time this happend


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You were not the only one who did this, your friend did this as well, injuring me largely but not killing me, which Is partly why I died at the end there, as my aim was swaying massively. I normally don't get to mad at this game but excuse my language, what you and your friends did there, was a dick move. I don't buy your excuse, looking at your gear, you have been on this server long enough to be arrested a couple times and you should know that is what happens after you get knocked out. Excuse my rage but people who restrain glitch are some of the worst losers I know, you lost the gun fight, get over it, don't cheat.

You were not the only one who did this, your friend did this as well, injuring me largely but not killing me, which Is partly why I died at the end there, as my aim was swaying massively. I normally don't get to mad at this game but excuse my language, what you and your friends did there, was a dick move. I don't buy your excuse, looking at your gear, you have been on this server long enough to be arrested a couple times and you should know that is what happens after you get knocked out. Excuse my rage but people who restrain glitch are some of the worst losers I know, you lost the gun fight, get over it, don't cheat.
For me it was the first time this happend, i did not know it could even happen, i have also been arrested a few times yeah.

Sadly i did not knew this could happen :/

This is not the first time Skilly leads us on a wild goose chase and then smashes into some one and jumps out all guns blazing.

I was asked by the CSO to file a report bcos I was his superior at that moment and bcos he is kinda new and does not want to talk, he is very upset about this.

Cops get reported EVERY time for little things here and there, anytime a cop does something wrong, everyone jumps up his throat demanding blood. I do not see why we should forgive everyone who thinks that they can get away with glitching, intentional or not that is not my concern.

This is not the first time Skilly leads us on a wild goose chase and then smashes into some one and jumps out all guns blazing.

I was asked by the CSO to file a report bcos I was his superior at that moment and bcos he is kinda new and does not want to talk, he is very upset about this.

Cops get reported EVERY time for little things here and there, anytime a cop does something wrong, everyone jumps up his throat demanding blood. I do not see why we should forgive everyone who thinks that they can get away with glitching, intentional or not that is not my concern.
So ur saying because u guys have the glitch? and u guys know about it and i happends by me for some reason? 

And i kill a few cops i should get banned for that? I did not even know how i got unrestrained!

U guys knew about this glitch and eve as zIN said it happends more often? shouldn't u guys fix it instead of reporting the players that happen to it?

Like i said i'm very sorry it happend and i want to solve it with not even the civilians but also with the cops....

In my position i got nothing else to do that than :/

So ur saying because u guys have the glitch? and u guys know about it and i happends by me for some reason? 

And i kill a few cops i should get banned for that? I did not even know how i got unrestrained!

U guys knew about this glitch and eve as zIN said it happends more often? shouldn't u guys fix it instead of reporting the players that happen to it?

Like i said i'm very sorry it happend and i want to solve it with not even the civilians but also with the cops....

In my position i got nothing else to do that than :/
Its not an unrestrain glitch. It a glitch when you can shoot while being restrained, once u kill ur escorting officer you glitch release yourself. So basically you reported yourself. Well done.

I would not recommend a perm ban as I am a nice bear but a 24 hour ban will teach you and others to...you know, not to wander into the extra terrestrial territory.

They will be oh no, dont do tht...I heard Skilly got banned for tht.

Its not an unrestrain glitch. It a glitch when you can shoot while being restrained, once u kill ur escorting officer you glitch release yourself. So basically you reported yourself. Well done.

I would not recommend a perm ban as I am a nice bear but a 24 hour ban will teach you and others to...you know, not to wander into the extra terrestrial territory.

They will be oh no, dont do tht...I heard Skilly got banned for tht.
I would approve ur comment on the ban, :/ 

I did not know that, that glitch works like that :/


497a72ae9d785fc6676fd8f695855a88 -1 Skilly - Forum Report 29/01/2015

Ban Issued

You was restrained, now i am unsure if the CSO accidentally unrestrained you or you glitched out either way you were arrested and rather than roleplaying you decided to be gun hungry.

This is a serious RP server, if you think everything is about shooting then head over to another server asap.

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