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Skogman - Unbanappeal (Denied)

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Read The Appeal Further down in the discussion.

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Date & Time you was banned:



Please copy and paste the rule you broke:


Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

As a man RDM'd me and told everyone i was breaking NRL i got banned in game. A new life doesnt start if you are RDM'd and i wasnt breaking a rule, even though he was. There's no reason to ban me here. If you want a more detailed explaination of the story, i would be happy to tell it.

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I robbed you - your friend then shot us so I killed you both. That is NOT RDM. Then you broke NLR and multiple people told an admin who then banned you. Just admit the rules you break and don't lie or they won't unban you. You won't get banned for not breaking a rule, and so, saying you broke 'none' isn't gonna help you at all. @CI Liquid was there, and the people involved in the gunfight were myself @Arnie and I think @PeppieA

Hello! As the admin who banned you, I have a slightly different version of the story. He roleplayed and killed you, you then respawn in Kavala and try to get away with your truck. Despite several warnings from me and other ppl via text, you still stayed and refused to acknowledge that you'd broken any rules. That is why you got banned. And if you feel you were RDMed, why not alert the admins? At least two of us was on. In my opinion, the part about thinking you were RDMed is a lie constructed afterwards.

Hello! As the admin who banned you, I have a slightly different version of the story. He roleplayed and killed you, you then respawn in Kavala and try to get away with your truck. Despite several warnings from me and other ppl via text, you still stayed and refused to acknowledge that you'd broken any rules. That is why you got banned. And if you feel you were RDMed, why not alert the admins? At least two of us was on. In my opinion, the part about thinking you were RDMed is a lie constructed afterwards.
Respawn in Kavala and try to reclaim my truck?! That wasnt me! I was jsut there to talk to them but not to get shot, when someone took the truck when police scrapping it, was not me. So you cannot blame me for that. And from the moment he killed me I felt like it was rdm, i spawned in kavala to be able to talk to him, and took a gun for saftey to not be shot. This is not a lie.

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I robbed you - your friend then shot us so I killed you both. That is NOT RDM. Then you broke NLR and multiple people told an admin who then banned you. Just admit the rules you break and don't lie or they won't unban you. You won't get banned for not breaking a rule, and so, saying you broke 'none' isn't gonna help you at all. @CI Liquid was there, and the people involved in the gunfight were myself @Arnie and I think @PeppieA
My friend only shot at you as you took my gun as i accedently dropped it and aked you to give me it back. I ran out you told me to get my hands up shot him than me, without saying anything. You dont tell someone to put their hands up and than seconds later shoot them in the head.

Ok, So i dont want to argue, I am sorry that i broke a rule. I really saw that as rdm in my eyes. Now i do know better, and know that if my gang engeges in a firefight, im also in it, appearently. I will not missunderstand this again, and i do understand if you dont want me on your server anymore. But i would really appriciate it if you would give me another chance.

Firstly, stick it all in one post don't spam. Secondly, I was gonna let you live until your friend shot me, and so, killing you was justified.

Are you really going to comment on that I didnt put everything in one post...

And for hte seconds one i jsut agreed to that, so you really dont need to repeat it. Please, what is the reason to go against every single thing i do right now?

I'm against you because you tried to accuse me of RDM. Regardless, I hope you're unbanned soon and have learnt from this. @Skogman

Your In-game name:


Your Steam Profile ID:


Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:



Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Rule 5: New Life Rule

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

I have no intension of ruining the roleplay and fun for others, I got banned for doing a mistake by thinking i got rdm'd. I love the these servers as much as many of you others do, and I also know how it is if someone ruins your gaming experience. I am truly sorry for this Elakin, Arnie, PeppieA, and every body else around. And I do promise I will never make this mistake again if you left me back on to your servers again.
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