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Skogman - Unbanappeal (Denied)

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Your In-game name:


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Date & Time you was banned:

2015-06-29     :     14:15

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

[SIZE=medium]5D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed![/SIZE]
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

I know that last time i got banned for NRL you told me that its was my final chance. Even though i do hope you can make an exception. So this is the case: I was talking to a guy with a truck and a gun, he told me to get away, we talked for a while he fired at me, after that I told him i was walking away, i ran away, he accepted it, than i said im coming after you and he killed me. This all happened in Kavala FYI. Now... I have a house in Kavala. I was gonna spawn where my gang was so i spawned in my house. I didnt think of it as if it was in Kavala as its another spawn button. I spawned played a whole new role, and i didnt run back to the place i died on, and did'nt engage with anyone that was around when i got killed. I am truly sorry for doing this mistake. I know that you won't think that im worth another final chance, and i did say that i wont make the same mistake again. This time i didnt think of it as rdm but i just did'nt think of it. Im not begging for an unban, though for forgivness. (ofcourse an unban would be nice too.) I dont really think this as of breaking a rule as i didnt engege any of the people around when i got killed. As i said i'm truly sorry for this mistake and breaking a rule, and I will try to think more about this in the future, it just didnt come into my mind at the moment.

This is my Actioned unbanappeal: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/29707-skogman-unbanappeal-unbanned/


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There are no exceptions to the second chance rule.


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