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Sledgehammer + Fireaxe Need A Bag To Stow

Custard Cream / Jay Macs

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

Require Sledgehammers and firearms to need the player to have a bag to be able to put them away. Aswell as longer draw time for them

Detailed Suggestion:

Im not sure about anyone else but at the moment the fireaxe and sledgehammers are very strong. People can pull them out their arse and one hit you before you even know whats happening so I propose a slight chance to the way they are handled as a whole.

  • To be able to "Hide" The weapons the player must be wearing a dufflebag of some sort. Failure to have one will result in the weapons always been drawn. Could slightly help suprise attacks
  •         When pulling the weapons a small animation should play. Specifically the one were you pull a weapon out your back like back in the day for ar's

At least with changes like this you can actually stand a chance with these weapons as most the time they just one hit you and one man can easily take down 3 people with one before they even know whats happening.. Speaking from experience.

The Pros:

Less surprise attacks from people with 20" of weaponry up their behind

Balances the weapons slightly

The Cons:

Dev work?

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


-1 I think there should be a system possibly like slinging a weapon across the back like with firearms, but pushing people to wear a specific item of clothing just to be able to carry a certain weapon means that it decreases the uniqueness between players as everyone will just carry these bags.

-1 I think there should be a system possibly like slinging a weapon across the back like with firearms, but pushing people to wear a specific item of clothing just to be able to carry a certain weapon means that it decreases the uniqueness between players as everyone will just carry these bags.
Maybe use a similar system to police firearms. Sling if you have no bag, if you have a bag the weapon goes inside!

Other than that, +1. Would like to see this.
