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Slikky / [HU] General Division / GA.Kræmpaj (Action: Bans Issued 29/01/2015)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Slikky - steam ID 76561198074955689
[HU] General Division- steam ID 76561198040155932
GA.Kræmpaj - steam ID 76561197966608624
Time & Date this happened:
22/01/15  19:30
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 2
Description of what happened:
Spawn in at the VIP area, heard a few guys talking about server restarting and when it will next restart, on Voice over, went over wrote  in direct communication told them that they should not talk about server restart as this i breaking the server rules and that if they do it again I would report them.
Was not even going to put a report in was going to leave it as that, but they followed me over to the shop and continued to talk  about out of game stuff I.E; rules, server restarting, reporting
While being increasingly rude, that pushed me to put a report though.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
3C) Out of character questions need to be written in the chat, in order to not interrupt the roleplay on the server.
3D) Shouting "I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU ON FORUMS" ingame is not allowed. RP is destroyed in this event.
3E) Discussing bans or any other issues that interrupt the players from the gameplay will result in a ban.

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Was writing in Chat as the rules, telling them they should not do it and that they should read the rules
But they wanted to be a dick and be rude and not listen
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

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Haha, is this for real????
Is the "report" section, actually going this far???

Should be a rule for "missusing" the rules!

I say not more..

***EDIT***: Request this reply to be removed.

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Haha, is this for real????

Is the "report" section, actually going this far???

Should be a rule for "missusing" the rules!

I say not more..
1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

This is such bs. (sorry about language, no offence) Im sorry, but really! You came up to us starting a reportwar out of nowhere! You did not even hear us talking about server restart did you? You can hear on the video that we are up to rp and are taking that serious. You at the other hand where writing about and talking about reporting us before this video! You are have posted the last part of the discussion something I will assume that you are doing on purpose to be looking good yourself. Also according to one of the rules about not allowing to edit the video to make ourself look good. Not that I can see or hear something wrong in this video. As it was you that started the report war.. The fact that you are writing in direct chat does not make it leagal! I hope that you can be mature about this and delete/remove this. Take it like a man, and see that you gain nothing except bad reputation on forum from this. Thanks

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Report A Player Rules

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

2. You may only comment on a report about you if you have evidence that shows otherwise or if the person has failed to contact you on Teamspeak.

3. Do not lie on reports or edit videos to get people banned, this will lead to a ban against you.

4. Failure to follow the title and the template given above will lead to the report being rejected.

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Slikky - steam ID 76561198074955689
[HU] General Division- steam ID 76561198040155932
GA.Kræmpaj - steam ID 76561197966608624
Time & Date this happened:
22/01/15  19:30
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 2
Description of what happened:
Spawn in at the VIP area, heard a few guys talking about server restarting and when it will next restart, on Voice over, went over wrote  in direct communication told them that they should not talk about server restart as this i breaking the server rules and that if they do it again I would report them.
Was not even going to put a report in was going to leave it as that, but they followed me over to the shop and continued to talk  about out of game stuff I.E; rules, server restarting, reporting
While being increasingly rude, that pushed me to put a report though.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
3C) Out of character questions need to be written in the chat, in order to not interrupt the roleplay on the server.
3D) Shouting "I AM GOING TO REPORT YOU ON FORUMS" ingame is not allowed. RP is destroyed in this event.
3E) Discussing bans or any other issues that interrupt the players from the gameplay will result in a ban.

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Was writing in Chat as the rules, telling them they should not do it and that they should read the rules
But they wanted to be a dick and be rude and not listen
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

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I had some fantastic role Play with this lot, involving them wrapping a helicopter and themselves around an airport control tower due to some DUI skills while I was on as a medic admin last night.

Unfortunately, one of then did have a press vest on while holding an illegal firearm, but some words were exchanged and the issue resolved.

I'm a bit concerned regarding this report though. You pay for VIP, suddenly you can choose to 'wake up' in a location in the middle of nowhere which at best has about 5 people inside at any given time, most of which rarely talk, you can purchase magical guns that appear in your hand out of thin air for pennies compared to anywhere else and spawn ifrits and hurons like Hudini himself and yet the issue here lies with some people talking in chat while out of role play? That area itself could not be more role play breaking itself.
This. Not that I advocate the removal of said stage, where Hudini performs said magic tricks. 

This is a situaton where I could either issue a warning or issue a ban.

I will go for a ban here.

The way you guys act on this report is pathetic. I am sorry for using this word.

In cases like this I almost every time let people off with a warning because things like this can happen. 
We are all just human in the end.
But the way you guys deal with this report made me change my mind.
Instead of waitin for an Admin to deal with this and find a good solution you decided to 1. Post stuff wich is not related to the report at all and 2. attacked Bamfon for his report. (Wich is his right.)

Approved - Awaitin Action - 28/01/15

I hope you guys learn a lesson from this.

Being nasty and rude never helped anyone.

Please consider this when posting an unban request.

db9481f879ff38df88d5a45d0f905e44 -1 Slikky - Forum Report 29/01/2015
8a279749deac9b44a0a05c44cc1f6ed9 -1 General Division - Forum Report 29/01/2015
129e249e398357d6ba733e5107b0852f -1 Kræmpaj - Forum Report 29/01/2015
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